8 - Synchronization with other DTRS units
3Press the
CHASE key o n all of th e slave D T R S
units. The indicator will flash.
4Press FORMAT/Fs twice within five seconds, on
each of the DTRS units (master and all slaves)
so al l machine s ar e ready t o start fo rmattin g.
If you press the CLEAR key while the FORMAT
indicator is lit steadily, you will cancel the for-
mat operation .
5Select the same sampling rate (48 kHz or
44.1k Hz) on each DTRS unit.
Any slave DTRS unit which has a different
sampling frequency selected from that selected
on the master will display an error message.
6Press and h old PLAY and press RECORD
the master. All slave units’
CHASE indicators
will light steadily, and the tapes will start to be
formatted in synchronization .
8.5.1 Recordin g while f ormatting
As with a single-machine format (5.1.4, “Recording
while formatting”), it is possible to record while for-
matting on multiple machines.
You may want to use this feature when making a live
multi-machine recording, and there has not been time
to format all the tapes in advance of the performance.
Remember that you should let the tapes run to the
end—you should n ot halt the formatting/recording
process part of the way through the tape.
8.6 Individ ual clo ck modeThere are some circumstances where it may be nec-
essary to use independent reference cloc ks on a chain
of DTRS units when TC time mode (see 9.2, “Tape
timecode mode”) is selected.
There are two settings, AUTO and INDVID (individ-
ual). AUTO is the default, and the unit behaves as fol-
lows when this is selected.
In individual mod e, the unit behaves as follows:
1Press the SHIFT ke y so that the SHIFT indicator
is flashing, and press the MENU key, until the
counter shows SYSTEM-- (SYSTEM--).
2Press the S UB MENU key until the display
briefly shows CLOk. MO DE (CLOK MODE) and
then changes to the current setting.
3Use the ▲ and ▼ keys to change between the
AUTO (AUTO ) and INDViD (INDVID) mode s.
8.7 Error messagesThese error messages refer to DTRS
sync hroniz ation:
E. DIO (E DIO)—appears if the digital cable is not
connected. Re-connect the correct cable to the
DIGITAL I/O connector.
E. CLOC (E CLOC)—appears when the sync cable is
not connected, the master has been turned off, or the
master’s sampling frequency is different from that of
the slave unit’s. Recheck these parameters.
If either of these messages appears, correct the fault
to return to normal operation.
Slave unit’s
Time M ode Master DA-78HR Slave DA-7 8HR units
ABS All clock sources DTRS sync
TC Internal Internal
Word sync DTRS sync
Slave unit’s
Time M ode Master DA-78HR Slave DA-7 8HR units
All clock sources
DTRS sync
TC Internal, WORD or