TDS 500C, TDS 600B & TDS 700C Performance Verification and Specifications 2–9
Nominal TraitsThis section contains a collection of tables that list the various nominal traits
that describe the TDS 500C, TDS 600B, and TDS 700C oscilloscopes. Electrical
and mechanical traits are included.
Nominal traits are described using simple statements of fact such as “Four, all
identical” for the trait “Input Channels, Number of,” rather than in terms of
limits that are performance requirements.
Table 2–3: Nominal traits — Signal acquisition system
Name Description
Bandwidth Selections 20 MHz, 250 MHz, and FULL
Samplers, Number of TDS 540C, 644B, 684B, 754C, and 784C: Four, simultaneous
TDS 520C, 620B, 680B, and 724C: Two, simultaneous
Digitized Bits, Number of 8 bits1
Input Channels, Number of Four
Input Coupling DC, AC, or GND
Input Impedance Selections 1 MWor 50 W
Volts/Div setting Offset range
1 mV/div – 100 mV/div
101 mV/div – 1 V/div
1.01 V/div – 10 V/div
±1 V
±10 V
±100 V
Range, Position ±5 divisions
Range, 1 MW Sensitivity 1 mV/div to 10 V/div2
Range, 50 W Sensitivity 1 mV/div to 1 V/div5
1Displayed vertically with 25 digitization levels (DLs) per division and 10.24 divisions dynamic range with zoom off. A DL
is the smallest voltage level change of the oscilloscope input that can be resolved by the 8-bit A-D Converter. Expressed
as a voltage, a DL is equal to 1/25 of a division times the volts/division setting.
2The sensitivity ranges from 1 mV/div to 10 V/div (for 1 M) or to 1 V/div (for 50 ) in a 1–2–5 sequence of coarse settings
with Fit-to-Screen off. Between coarse settings, the sensitivity can be finely adjusted with a resolution equal to 1% of the
more sensitive coarse setting. For example, between 50 mV/div and 100 mV/div, the volts/division can be set with 0.5 mV