Warranted Characteristics
TDS 500C, TDS 600B & TDS 700C Performance Verification and Specifications 2–19Table 2–10: Warranted characteristics — Signal acquisition system (cont.)Name Description
Delay Between Channels, Full
Bandwidth TDS 600B: ≤100 ps for any two channels with equal Volts/Div and Coupling settings and
both channels’ deskew values set to 0
TDS 500C/700C: ≤50 ps for any two channels with equal Volts/Div and Coupling settings
and both channel deskew values set to 0.0 ms.
Input Impedance, DC–1 M Coupled 1 M ±0.5% in parallel with 10 pF ±3 pF
Input Impedance, DC–50 Coupled 50 ±1% with VSWR ≤1.3:1 from DC – 500 MHz, ≤1.5:1 from 500 MHz – 1 GHz
Input Voltage, Maximum,
DC–1 M,
AC–1 M, or
GND Coupled
TDS 600B: ±300 V CAT II, 400 V peak;
derate at 20 dB/decade above 1 MHz
TDS 500C/700C: ±300 V CAT II, 400 V peak;
derate at 20 dB/decade above 1 MHz
Input Voltage, Maximum, DC-50 or
AC–50 Coupled 5 VRMS, with peaks ≤ ±30 V
Lower Frequency Limit, AC Coupled ≤10 Hz when AC–1 M Coupled; ≤200 kHz when AC–50 Coupled3
1Net Offset = Offset – (Position × Volts/Div). Net Offset is the nominal voltage level at the oscilloscope input that
corresponds to the center of the A-D converter’s dynamic range. Offset Accuracy is the accuracy of this voltage level.
2The limits given are for the ambient temperature range of 0_C to +30_C. Reduce the upper bandwidth frequencies by
5 MHz for the TDS 600B or by 2.5 MHz for the TDS 500C/700C for each _C above +30_C.
3The AC Coupled Lower Frequency Limits are reduced by a factor of 10 when 10X passive probes are used.
Table 2–11: Warranted characteristics — Time base system Name Description
Accuracy, Long Term Sample Rate and
Delay Time TDS 600B: ±100 ppm over any ≥1 ms interval
TDS 500C/700C: ±25 ppm over any ≥1 ms interval