Performance Tests
TDS 500C, TDS 600B & TDS 700C Performance Verification and Specifications 1–17Table 1–1: Test equipment (cont.)Item number and
description PurposeExampleMinimum requirements
14. Generator, Video Signal Provides PAL compatible outputs Tektronix TSG 121 Used to Test Video Option 05
Equipped Instruments Only
15. Oscillator, Leveled Sine
wave Generator 60 Hz Sine wave Wavetek 9100 with options
100 and 250 (or, optionally,
Tektronix SG 502)
Used to Test Video Option 05
Equipped Instruments Only
16. Pulse Generator Tektronix CFG280
(or, optionally, PG 502) Used to Test Video Option 05
Equipped Instruments Only
17. Cable, Coaxial
(two required) 75 , 36 in, male to male BNC
connectors Tektronix part number
012-1338-00 Used to Test Video Option 05
Equipped Instruments Only
18. Terminator, 75
(two required) Impedance 75 ; connectors: female
BNC input, male BNC output Tektronix part number
011-0102-01 Used to Test Video Option 05
Equipped Instruments Only
19. Generator, Sine Wave 100 kHz to at least 400 MHz. Variable
amplitude from 12 mV to 2 Vp-p.
Frequency accuracy >2.0%
Rohde & Schwarz SMY3Checking Analog Bandwidth,
Trigger Sensitivity, Sample-
rate, External Clock, and
Delay-Time Accuracy
20. Meter, Level and Power
Sensor Frequency range:10 MHz to 400MHz.
Amplitude range: 6 mVp-p to 2 Vp-p
Rohde & Schwarz URV 35,
with NRV-Z8 power sensor3Checking Analog Bandwidth
and Trigger Sensitivity
21. Splitter, Power Frequency range: DC to 1 GHz.
Tracking: >2.0% Rohde & Schwarz RVZ3Checking Analog Bandwidth
22. Generator, Function Frequency range 5 MHz to 10 MHz.
Square wave transition time 25 ns.
Amplitude range: 0 to 10 Vp-p
into 50
Tektronix CFG280 Checking External Clock
23. Adapter (four required) Male N to female BNC Tektronix 103-0045-00 Checking Analog Bandwidth
24. Adapter Female N to male BNC Tektronix 103-0058-00 Checking Analog Bandwidth
25. Generator,
Leveled Sine Wave,
200 kHz to 250 MHz; Variable ampli-
tude from 5 mV to 4 Vp-p into 50
Tegam/Tektronix SG 503
Leveled Sine Wave Genera-
tor1, 3
Checking Trigger Sensitivity
at low frequencies
26. Generator, Leveled Sine
Wave, High-Frequency
250 MHz to 1 GHz; Variable ampli-
tude from 5 mV to 4 Vp-p into 50 ;
6 MHz reference
Tegam/Tektronix SG 504
Leveled Sine Wave Genera-
tor1 with SG 504 Output
Checking Analog Bandwidth
and Trigger Sensitivity at high