Performance Tests
TDS 500C, TDS 600B & TDS 700C Performance Verification and Specifications 1–57
HLeave the Main trigger system triggered on the positive slope of the
waveform before proceeding to the next check.
HPress the main-menu button Source; then press the side-menu button
–more– until CH 1 appears. Press CH 1.
4. Confirm that the Main and Delayed trigger systems are within sensitivity
limits (full bandwidth):
a. Hook up the test-signal source: Disconnect the hookup installed in
step 1. Connect the signal output of a high-frequency sine wave
generator (item 19 or, optionally, item 26) to CH 1.
b. Set the Main and Delayed Horizontal Scales:
HSet the horizontal SCALE to 500 ps for the M (Main) time base.
HPress HORIZONTAL MENU. Now press the main-menu button
Time base; then press the side-menu button Delayed Triggerable.
HPress the side-menu button Delayed Only.
HSet the horizontal SCALE to 500 ps for the D (Delayed) time base.
Press the side-menu button Main Only.
c. Display the test signal:
HSet the generator frequency to full bandwidth as follows:
TDS 680B, 684B, & 784C: 1 GHz
TDS 520C, 540C, 620B, 644B, 724C, & 754C: 500 MHz
HSet the test signal amplitude for about five divisions on screen. Now
fine adjust the generator output until the CH 1 Amplitude readout
indicates the amplitude is 500 mV. (Readout may fluctuate around
500 mV).
HDisconnect the leveling head at CH 1 and reconnect it to CH 1
through a 5X attenuator.
d. Repeat step 2, substeps b and c only, since only the full bandwidth is to
be checked here.
NOTE. You just checked the trigger sensitivity. If desired, you may repeat steps 1
through 4 for the other channels (CH2, CH3, and CH4).
5. Disconnect the hookup: Disconnect the cable from the channel last tested.