Chapter 1 -
Key Function | POS Function Description |
Mgr Mode | This key type is used to access the Manager |
| Mode area of the system. Manager Mode |
| contains the Database Setup, Reports, |
| Utilities, Inventory and Timeclock Menus. |
No Sale | Used to open the cash drawer outside of a sale |
| transaction. |
Numeric | Used to enter a numeric value from 0 to 9. |
Open Refund | This key type is used to create a refund check. |
| All items entered on the check will be part of |
| the refund. |
Order Complete | This key type is used to fire orders to the |
| remote printers when the ORDER CHECK ON |
| DEMAND option in the Order Type Setup table |
| is used. Any new items that have not yet been |
| sent to the order printers will be printed when |
| this key is pressed. |
Order Type | Used to override the Order Type setting of the |
| user’s Job Code for one order only. |
Paid In | This key type is used to add cash to the drawer |
| from sources of income other than a sale. |
Paid Outs | These five function keys are used to remove |
#1 - #5 | cash from the drawer for purposes other than |
| to give change for a sale. |
Previous Screen | Returns the display to the previous screen. |
Price Change | This key is used to change a Menu Item’s |
| price. |
Print Check | This key type is used to print a copy of the |
| guest check to any On Demand printers, and |
| ends the current service round. |
Print Journal | Prints the station’s electronic journal. |
Print/Reset Journal | This function is used to print and reset (clear) |
| the station’s electronic journal. |
Recall Check | This key is used to recall checks being tracked |
| by the check number. |