POS Key Functions - SummaryChapter 1 -
Key Function | POS Function Description |
Recall Check | These four function keys are used to recall |
Order Type #1- #4 | checks of only the specified Order Type. |
Recall Table | This key is used to recall checks being tracked |
| by the table number. |
Record Macro | This key type is used to record a sequence of |
| keys that can be played back by pressing a |
| single button. |
| Macros recorded using this key are played |
| back by pressing the {MACRO} key. |
| This key type is used for |
Report | This key type is used as a banner key for one |
| of the Report groups. |
Reprint Voucher | Used to print another copy of a credit card |
| voucher. |
Reset Journal | Used to reset (clear) the station’s electronic |
| journal, deleting all of the current data. |
Revenue Center | Used to assign one of the Revenue Center |
Report | Reports to the keyboard. |
Revenue Center | Designed primarily for the |
Report NLU | Used to print Revenue Center Reports from |
(Number Look Up) | the keyboard. |
| Index the function number of the report then |
Review Check | This key type is used to display checks that |
| have been closed out. |
Screen Select | This key is used to move the display to another |
| screen. |
Seat Select | This key is used to preset seat numbers for |
| use when entering items on checks by seat |
| numbers. |