Satellite P770/P775/P770D/P775D
Norway | Oman | Pakistan | Panama |
Papua New Guinea | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines |
Poland | Portugal | Puerto Rico | Qatar |
Romania | Saudi Arabia | Senegal | Serbia |
Singapore | Slovak Republic | Slovenia | South Africa |
South Korea | Spain | Sri Lanka | Sweden |
Switzerland | Taiwan | Thailand | Turkey |
Ukraine | UAE | UK | USA |
Uruguay | Venezuela | Vietnam |
Approved Countries/Regions for the Atheros
This equipment is approved to the radio standard by the countries/regions in the following table.
Do not use this equipment in the countries/regions which are not listed in the table below.
Available channel of
Connection with an access point by the Infrastructure mode is Ch1- Ch13.
As of Mar. 2011
Albania | Algeria | Angola | Argentina |
Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Bahrain |
Bangladesh | Belarus | Belgium | Bolivia |
Bosnia and | Botswana | Brazil | Bulgaria |
Herzegovina |
Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cambodia | Cameroon |
Canada | Central African | Chile | China |
| Republic |
Colombia | Comoros | Costa Rica | Croatia |
User's Manual |