5. Operation in Top View Mode
5.5 Emergency stop/reset operation
To make an emergency stop or to reset the inverter, follow these steps. An emergency stop can be made when operation is performed with the terminal board (parameter CMOd=0, 2, 3 or 4).
1 Press the [STOP/RESET] key, which displays the blinking code “EOFF” in the upper right corner of the window.
2 Then press the [STOP/RESET] key again. The Emergency Stop window appears and the blinking code “E” is displayed.
3 Then press the [STOP/RESET] key again. The Trip window appears and the blinking code “CLr” is displayed in it.
| Top View Mode | EOFF |
FWD | 60.0 Hz | RUN |
| 60.0 Hz |
| |
| Emergency stop? |
Quick | Lng |
| |
| Top View Mode |
FWD | 60.0 Hz | Trip |
| E |
| Emergency stop |
Quick | Lng |
| |
| Top View Mode |
FWD | 60.0 Hz | Trip |
| CLr |
| Trip reset? |
Quick | Lng |
4 Last of all, press the [STOP/RESET] key once again to reset the inverter.