Installation Piping
6. Do not modulate steam or use on-off supply control on systems with overhead or pressurized
returns unless condensate is drained by gravity to receiver (vented to atmosphere) and
returned to main by condensate pump.
7. At startup with dampers, slowly turn steam on full for at least 10 minutes before opening fresh
air intake.
8. Pitch all supply and return steam piping down a minimum of one inch per 10 feet in direction
of flow.
9. Do not drain steam mains or take-offs through coils. Drain mains ahead of coils through steam
trap to return line.
10. Do not bush or reduce coil return tapping size. Run return pipe full size of steam trap connection
except for short nipple screwed directly into coil condensate connection.
11. Overhead returns require 1 psig pressure at steam trap discharge for each 2-foot elevation to
assure continuous condensate removal.
Figure 11. Type NS steam coils, horizontal tubes for horizontal airflow
Code of System Components
FT = Float and thermostatic steam trap
BT = Bucket steam trap
GV = Gate valve
OV = Automatic two-position (on-off) control
TV = Automatic three-way control valve
VB = Vacuum breaker, 15-degree swing check
CV = Check valve
ST = Strainer
AV = Automatic or manual air vent