Configuring for SSL
7.Enter the path and file name of the file that contains the response from the CA, and then click Next.
8.Examine the certificate overview, click Next, and then click Finish. A certificate is now installed on the ETV Portal Server.
4. Configure ETV Resources for SSL
After installing the certificate on the ETV Portal Server, the ETV Portal Server can now be configured for SSL. This is a
Securing the Portal Server User Pages
TTo configure the ETV Portal Server User Pages for SSL access:
1.Go the Portal Server install location, typically C:\Program Files\VBrick\MCS and open web.config in a text editor.
2.Uncomment the <configSections> settings block located at after the instructions for Web Page Security by deleting the
3.Uncomment the <httpModules> module setting block for SecureWeb Pages by deleting the
Example 1 – Uncomment configSections
A sample of a partial web.config file is shown below with the comments removed in order to make the user login pages secure.
<?xml version="1.0"
This section will redirect any matchingpages to the HTTPS protocol for SSl security, and, if needed, redirect any
<section name="secureWebPages" type="Hyper.Web.Security.SecureWebPageSectionHandler, WebPageSecurity" allowLocation="false" />
<secureWebPages mode="On" maintainPath="False" warningBypassMode="AlwaysBypass"
ETV Portal Server Admin Guide | 95 |