Update Profile - Use this to update the settings for the selecte d profile, without using it.
This button is only available if the "Sel ected Pr ofile" is differ ent to the "Cur rent Profi le".
Apply - Update the "Sel ected Profi le" wit h the settings shown on scree n, and start using it.
The Selected Pr ofile wil l become the Curr ent Profil e, if it is not the Curr ent Profil e already.
Generate – Only availabl e for the “Temporary Hotspot” Profile, thi s button will re -
generate t he network name (SSID) and network key for thi s Profile. The othe r settings for
this Profile are copied from the “Sec ure” Profil e.
Revert - Discard any changes made since the last "Update" or "Apply" operati on. You can
also discard changes by selecting a differe nt profile in t he "Select ed Profile " list.