VXI Technology, Inc.

WARNING: Calibration commands should only be executed by qualified personnel. If you want to perform your own calibrations please contact factory for more information.

0x0020 Correct setup with calibrations

0x1001 Store Calibration data in non-volatile memory.

0x1002 Read a Cal Gain DAC (lower 12 bits of 16-bit value).

0x1003 Set a Cal Gain DAC (lower 12 bits of a 16-bit value).

0x1004 Read a Cal Offset DAC (lower 12 bits of 16-bit value).

0x1005 Set a Cal Offset DAC (lower 12 bits of 16-bit value).

0x1006 Read a Trigger DAC Gain calibration value (32-bit value about 0x00010000) 0x1007 Set a Trigger DAC Gain calibration value.

0x1008 Read a Trigger DAC Offset calibration value.

0x1009 Set a Trigger DAC Offset calibration value.

0x100A Read an external Trigger DAC gain calibration value (32-bit value about 0x00010000)

0x100B Set an external Trigger DAC gain calibration value.

0x100C Read an external trigger DAC offset calibration value (signed 16-bit value). 0x100D Set an external Trigger DAC Offset value.

0x100E Read an ohms calibration gain calibration value (32-bit value about 0x00010000).

0x100F Set an ohms calibration gain calibration value.

0x1010 Read an ohms calibration offset calibration value (signed 16-bit value). 0x1011 Set an ohms calibration offset calibration value

0x1012 Read a 128 Ω gain, 32-bit 0x00010000 nominal.

0x1013 Set 128 Ω gain (32-bit 0x00010000).

0x1014 Read 81.92k gain (32-bit 0x00010000).

0x1015 Set 81.92k gain (32-bit 0x00010000).

0x1016 Read 9.45 V gain (32-bit 0x00010000).

0x1017 Set 9.45 V gain (32-bit 0x00010000).

0x1018 Read -9.45 V gain (32-bit 0x00010000).

0x1019 Set -9.45 V gain (32-bit 0x00010000). 0x101A Read 0.945 V gain (32-bit 0x00010000). 0x101B Set 0.945 V gain (32-bit 0x00010000). 0x101C Read -0.945 V gain (32-bit 0x00010000). 0x101D Set -0.945 V gain (32-bit 0x00010000).

0x101E Read 2 wire Ω offset (32-bit 0x00010000would subtract 1 Ω). 0x101F Set 2 wire Ω offset (32-bit 0x00010000 would subtract 1 Ω). 0x1020: Read the serial number, a 32-bit value.

0x1021: Set the serial number, a 32-bit value

0x1022: Read the chip IDs, a 16-bit value, lower four for U1, next four for U20.

0x1023: Return the software revision, 16-bit value with an implied decimal two digits from the right (i.e. 100 is Rev. 1.00.)

0x1024: Read the error queue.

0x1025 Read V Positive 0.1177 calibration gain value, calibration value.

0x1026 Set the V Positive 0.1177 calibration gain value, calibration value.

0x1027 Read V Negative 0.1177 calibration gain value, calibration value.


SVM2608 Programming

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Image 46
VXI SVM2608 user manual