
Write 0x0016E360 @ Base address + 0xC00068

If the Sample Rate register from Example 1 (0x0012C4B0 corresponding to a sample rate of 123 ms) and the Trigger Delay in Example 4 above are set on the SVM2608, the first sample is taken 1,500,000 x 123 ms = 184,500 seconds (51.25 hours!!!) after the trigger event.

Example 5: Setting Channel 2 and 4 Timeout Register to Timeout after 2.5 s

The Timeout function is designed to prevent the SVM2608 from encountering indefinite time periods where the module waits for an external trigger event. The clock for the timeout counter is generated by dividing the reference clock (0.1 µs (10 MHz) for the low-speed Channels 0 – 3 and 8.333 ns (120 MHz) for high-speed channels 4 and 5), generated by an on-board oscillator, by a preset value determined by bits 15 - 13 of the Timeout register of the respective channel. This is called the Timeout Base Clock (or TOSEL). Bits 12 - 0 in the TIMEOUT register load a counter (Timeout Counter) that determines the number of Timeout Base Clocks after which the timeout flag is set.

To determine the minimum Timeout Base Clock for Channel 2, divide the desired Timeout value by the maximum value allowed in the Timeout Counter register and round it up to the next highest value available:

TIMEOUT BASE CLOCK ≥ TIMEOUT VALUE / (213 -1) = 2.5 s / 8191 ≈ 0.305 ms

The nearest Timeout Base Clock available, which is greater than or equal to 0.305 ms, is 1 ms. Set the TOSEL bits in the Timeout register to ‘010’.

To determine the value for the Timeout Counter, divide the desired Timeout value by the Timeout Base Clock:


=2.5 s / 1 ms

=2.5 s / 10-3s


The value that needs to be programmed in the Timeout Counter is 2,500 = 0x9C4

The value which needs to be programmed into the Timeout register is determined by multiplying the Timeout Base by 213 and adding it to the Timeout Counter value:


=2 * 8192 + 2500



To program the Timeout value for Channel 2, write 0x49C4 at address 0xC00044.

The Timeout Counter starts counting down from the value it is loaded with after the channel is Armed, all the Pre-Trigger samples (if any were specified) are acquired and the Delay Points (if any were specified) are acquired. It stops counting as soon as either a trigger event occurs or when it reaches zero. Terminating (aborting) the acquisition by resetting the ARM bit also stops the Timeout counter.

If the Timeout Counter reaches zero, the Timeout Occurred flag is asserted.

SVM2608 Programming


Page 53
Image 53
VXI SVM2608 Timeout Counter = Timeout / Timeout Base Clock, Timeout Register = Timeout Base * 213 + Timeout Counter