Obtaining the VPN upgrade
If you purchased a WatchGuard SOHO and would like to purchase the VPN upgrade from a reseller or
http:/ /www.watc hguard.com/sales/buy online .asp
Enabling the VPN upgrade
Whether you purchased a VPN upgrade separately or purchased the SOHOtc (which comes with option enabled) you must first redeem the VPN upgrade before configuring virtual private networking. Enabling the VPN upgrade requires:
•An installed SOHO
•Internet connectivity
•A VPN upgrade certificate license
Step-by-step instructions for configuring a SOHO VPN tunnel
WatchGuard has developed a series of
http:/ /www.watc hguard.com/support/i nteropvpn.asp
Special considerations
Consider the following before configuring your WatchGuard SOHO VPN network:
•You can connect only two devices together: a WatchGuard SOHO and either another SOHO or another