Unity 552 User’s Manual
A proven world leader in digital video, audio & broadcast data systems, WEGENER's management system is certified to ISO 9001:2000.
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The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Revisions may be issued to advise of such changes and/or additions.
WEGENER→, Compel Control→, MediaPlan→, ENVOY, UNITY→, UNITY·IP→, and iPUMP→ are trademarks of Wegener Communications, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
♥2008 Wegener Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Correspondence regarding this publication,
800092-01 Rev. A
First Edition: July 2008
should be forwarded to:
Wegener Communications, Inc.
Technology Park/Johns Creek
11350 Technology Circle
Duluth, GA
The WEGENER iPump 562 is approved under Edition, and CE [EN60950, EN55022(94), and
FCC Part 15B Class A, UL/C-UL1950 3rd EN55024(98)].
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