Unity 552 User’s Manual
Following is a list of commands along with synopsis. A general syntax for the group command is:
Table Apx 1.2: Diagterm Individual Commands
| Command | Synopsis |
| abortrec | Tune to Last Successful (S) or Last commanded (C) |
| abort | Abort Temporary Insert |
| adds | Add Location Settings |
| ap | Audio Program |
| ap2 | Audio Program 2 |
| audatten | Audio Attenuation |
| audroute | Set Audio Routing |
| Stereo) |
| contentaccess | Set access level for content on HDD |
| dels | Delete Location Settings |
| errors | Set Alarm Threshold |
| ifconfig | Display current ETHERNET device(s) configuration |
| lnbpwr | Turn LNB Power ON/OFF |
| lnbselect | Set LNB Mode UNIV/ASTRA or STD/LO |
| margin | Set margin offset (Range: 1.0 - 10.5 dB) |
| movep | Move Preset entry (source and destination entry #'s) |
| permch | Set perm settings from search table (Position: |
| perm | Set Perm Settings |
| port | Select RBDS port |
| re | Turn |
| savep | Save current Settings to a Preset entry |
| Service | Enable or Disable named service |
| setlnb | Set LNB LO Frequency |
| settimeout | Set Timeout (Source |
| set | Set Individual Carrier Parameters |
| snr | Set SNR margin offset |
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