RF Base Station Parameters
The following parameters apply only to a base station attached serially.
Baud rate
300 | 0 |
600 | 1 |
1200 | 2 |
2400 | 3 |
4800 | 4 |
9600 | 5 |
19,200 | 6 |
Data bits
7 | Bits | 0 |
8 | Bits | 1 |
Set the data bits ("word length") to the same setting your terminal is using, or you want to use with your serial port.
None | 0 |
Even | 1 |
Odd | 2 |
Set parity to the same setting your terminal is using, or the one you want to use with your serial port. None is usually used in conjunction with 8 data bits, Even or Odd with seven data bits.
Stop bits
1 | Bit | 0 |
2 | Bits | 1 |
Set the stop bits to the same setting your terminal is using, or you want to use with your serial port.
This parameter only applies to serial operation of a Base Station.
None | 0 |
Host Controlled Acknowledge | 1 |
"None" means that Base Station will immediately transmit an acknowledgement to the RF Laser from which it has just received transmitted data, (without waiting for a response from the host computer program.)