USB Installation
USB attachment does not require the Worth Data F10 5v power supply for the
B78 Base Station. If for some reason your USB port or hub does not have
enough power to operate the Base Station correctly, you may use our F10
power supply, but you must plug it in AFTER you have powered up on the
USB cable only. The Base Station will power up with 3 more flashes than the
channel setting; i.e. if it is set on Channel 0, it will flash green three times. If
the Channel were set to 7, it would flash green 10 times.
Once you connect the B78 Base Station to the computer using the supplied
USB cable, the Base Station should be sensed automatically by the computer
and the driver installation will begin. Windows can usually find the necessary
driver on the hard drive under /Windows/System 32/Drivers; occasionally you
will have to insert the original Windows CD. The Mac always finds the driver.
In either case, the driver used is the standard keyboard driver. No special
drivers are required.
You should be connected as below:
If you mistakenly abort your driver installation, see the Trouble Shooting
Section of this manual.
For testing, bring up Notepad or WordPad on your computer and scan the
TEST LABEL on page 21. Now turn to page 7.