1 Introduction
12 PM5D/PM5D-RH V2 / DSP5D Owner’s Manual Operating section
The PM5D provides the following input channels and out-
put channels.
❏Input channels
This section processes input signals and sends them to the
STEREO bus or MIX buses. There are three types of input
channel, as follows.
• Input channels 1–48
These channels are used to process monaural signals.
By default, the input signals from the monaural analog
input jacks (INPUT jacks 1–48) are assigned to these
• ST IN channels 1–4
These channels are used to process stereo signals. By
default, the input signals from the stereo analog input
jacks (ST IN jacks 1–4) are assigned to these channels.
• FX RTN channels 1–4
These channels are used mainly to process the return
signals (stereo) from the internal effects. By default, the
left/right output channels of internal effects 1 through
4 are assigned to these channels.
Signal assignments to the input channels can be changed as
❏Output channels
This section mixes the signals sent from input channels
etc., and sends them to the corresponding output jacks or
output buses. There are three types of output channel, as
• MIX channels 1–24
These channels process signals sent from input chan-
nels to MIX buses. In the initial state, output signals are
assigned to MIX OUT jacks 1–24. These channels are
used mainly for foldback or as sends to external effects.
The signals of MIX channels 1–24 can also be sent to
the STEREO bus or MATRIX buses.
• MATRIX channels 1–8
These process the signals sent from MIX channels or
STEREO A/B channels to MATRIX buses, and output
them from the MATRIX OUT jacks. This allows MIX
channels or STEREO A/B channels to be mixed at the
desired balance for output.
• STEREO A/B channels
These process the signals sent from input channels or
MIX channels, and output them to STEREO OUT
jacks A/B. These channels are used as the main stereo
outputs. Normally, the same signal is sent from the
STEREO A and B channels. However, it is also possible
to use the STEREO B channel as the center channel for
three-channel L/C/R playback.
About the DSP5DThe DSP5D is a digital signal processing (DSP) system
expanding the inputs and outputs of the PM5D.
•Its audio processing capability is equivalent to that of
the PM5D-RH. As analog audio input/output jacks, it
provides INPUT jacks 1–48, ST IN jacks 1–4, and
OMNI OUT jacks 1–24.
•Up to two DSP5D units can be cascade-connected to
one PM5D. By connecting it with DSP5D units, the
PM5D system can be expanded to a maximum of 168
channels of input (144 channels + 12 ST).
•By switching the control target on the PM5D, the
DSP5D can be seamlessly controlled in the same way as
the PM5D itself.
•You can use DSP5D Editor application software to
remotely control and edit the parameters of the
DSP5D. Only Windows computers are supported.
•The DSP5D can be connected to a Yamaha DCU5D
digital cabling unit and placed on stage, and operated
remotely from the PM5D.
•The front panel provides two slots in which you can
install separately sold mini-YGDAI cards to add inputs
and outputs in a variety of digital formats.
❏Connectors and interfaces not found on
the DSP5D
•INSERT IN/OUT jacks, MIX OUT jacks, LAMP jacks,
OUT A/B jacks, MATRIX OUT jacks, 2TR IN ANA-
connector, GPI connector, RS422 REMOTE connec-
tor, HA REMOTE connector, MIDI IN/THRU/OUT
connectors, 2TR OUT DIGITAL jack, 2TR IN DIGI-
connector, KEYBOARD connector, PHONES jack
•Controllers such as faders, display devices such as
meters. LCD display, +48V MASTER switch (PM5D-
RH), 75Ω ON/OFF switch
❏Connectors and interfaces found only
the DSP5D
•OMNI OUT jacks, CASCADE IN/OUT RJ-45 connec-
tors, NETWORK connector, AC IN connector
•POWER switch, mode switch, FAN switch
About the connectors: Since the DSP5D does not have
the functionality for the connectors with which DSP5D
is not equipped, these functions and connectors are not
shown in the screen of the PM5D or DSP5D Editor.
About the channel structure of the