T h e S o n g J o b s
00 : Undo/RedoThis job will “undo” any other song/pattern job, edit, or record
function if it is executed before any other operation is performed. In all
cases the affected data is restored to the state it was in before performing
the job, edit, or record operation. This job will also undo the last undo
operation (redo).
The name of the last operation performed will appear on the display
(i.e. the operation which will be “undone”). In the example display, above,
a quantize operation will be undone.
Press [ENTER] to execute the Undo/Redo job. The metronome icon
will appear on the display while the data is being processed, then “Com-
pleted” will appear briefly when the job is done. Press the [EXIT] key to
return to the job list, or a mode key to go directly to the selected mode.
• The UNDO/REDO job will not undo the Clear Song (“All”), the Clear Pattern (“All”
styles), the Song Name or Style Name jobs.
Name of the last
operation performed