P l a y b a c k C o n t r o l
Groove QuantizationIf the Groove display shown below does not appear when “Play Fx”
is selected, press the [MENU] key again and press the function key next to
“Groove” on the display.
“Groove Quantization” is different from standard quantization in that
specific beats within a track are shifted away from precise on-the-beat
timing to create a natural “groove”. Both the timing and velocity of certain
notes can be affected by groove quantization.
The Groove display shows 8 of the 16 available tracks at a time. Use
the cursor keys to scroll left or right to the remaining tracks (an arrow
appears at either the left or right of the track numbers to indicate that more
tracks can be accessed by scrolling in the corresponding direction).
Mute/Solo buttons
FX THRU switches
Groove template
Sequencer tracks
(1 … 16)