C r e a t i n g O r i g i n a l A c c o m p a n i m e n t P a t t e r n s
Phrase Name
Monitoring the Pattern
If you press the [
] button while entering phrases you can
hear how the pattern sounds as the various phrases are
added. Press [
] to stop playback.
Muting & Soloing the Pattern Tracks
One or more PATTERN mode tracks can be muted or
soloed by placing the cursor immediately to the left of the
track (in the velocity-meter position) and using the [-1] or
[+1] to mute or solo the track as required. Use the [-1] key
to alternately mute or un-mute the selected track, or the
[+1] key to alternately solo or un-solo the track. Any
number of tracks can be muted and/or soloed at a time. To
solo more than one track at a time hold the [SHIFT] key
while soloing additional tracks after the first solo track has
been specified. Also hold the [SHIFT] key while un-soloing
a single track when multiple tracks are soloed (un-soloing a
single track without holding the [SHIFT] key will un-solo all
soloed tracks).
If the assigned
phrase is longer
than the pattern
length, this symbol
() appears. In this
case, the exceeded
part of the phrase
will not be played.