T h e S o n g V o i c e M o d e
PICH (Pitch Coarse)
Adjusts the pitch of the selected drum instrument from “-
64” through “0” to “+63”. Negative values lower the pitch
of the instrument, while positive values raise the pitch of
the instrument.
REV (Reverb Send)
Independently adjusts the reverb send level of the selected
drum instrument from “0” (no reverb) to “127” (maximum
VAR (Variation Send)
Independently adjusts the variation effect send level of the
selected drum instrument from “0” (no effect) to “127”
(maximum effect) when the variation effect block is
connected as a system effect, or turns the variation effect
“On (in case set to other than 0)” or “Off (in case set to
0)” when the variation effect block is connected as an
insertion effect (see page 215 for details on the effect
PAN (Pan Position)
Sets the pan position of the selected drum instrument.
“Center” is center, “Left 63” is full left, and “Right 63” is
full right. There’s also a “Random” setting in which the pan
position is set randomly.
LVL (Level)
Sets the level (volume) of the selected drum instrument
from “0” (no sound) to “127” (maximum volume).
Select the specific drum set to be edited by placing the cursor on
the drum set number and selecting via the [-1] and [+1] keys or by using
the SHIFT-Number entry method. Only certain drum instruments can be
edited, and these are indicated by dots on the appropriate keys in the
graphic keyboard display at the top of the display panel. Use the [OCT
DOWN] and [OCT UP] keys to access the full range of drum instruments,
and press the corresponding micro-keyboard key to select an instrument
for editing. When a drum instrument which cannot be edited is selected,
the controls on the display appear “grayed” and cannot be accessed.