P l a y b a c k C o n t r o l
● M/S (Mute/Solo)The Mute/Solo (“M/S”) parameters below each track
number in the Groove display can be used to mute (turn off) or
solo (only that track will be monitored) the corresponding track.
Move the cursor to the appropriate M/S parameter, then use the
[-1] key to alternately mute or un-mute that track, or use the [+1]
key to alternately solo or un-solo the track. Any number of tracks
can be muted and/or soloed at a time. To solo more than one
track at a time hold the [SHIFT] key while soloing additional tracks
after the first solo track has been specified. Also hold the [SHIFT]
key while un-soloing a single track when multiple tracks are
soloed (un-soloing a single track without holding the [SHIFT] key
will un-solo all soloed tracks).
The letter “M” appears below the number of tracks that
are muted, and the letter “S” appears when a track is soloed.
• The M/S parameters duplicate those in the SONG play mode and
SONG VOICE displays, and have exactly the same effect.
● FX THRUThese “switches” enable or bypass the effect for the
corresponding tracks. When an FX THRU switch appears as an
empty square, the effect is enabled for that track. To bypass the
effect for a track, move the cursor to the appropriate FX THRU
switch, and press the [+1] key so that a “T” (THRU) in the
square. Bypassed tracks can be enabled by pressing the [-1] key.
● GROOVE TEMPLTThis parameter selects one of the 100 available groove
templates for the corresponding track. Each groove template
affects different beats in different ways, thus creating different
grooves. See the List Book for a complete list of the available
groove templates. To select a groove template for a track, , move
the cursor to the appropriate GROOVE TEMPLT parameter, then
use the [-1] and [+1] parameters or the SHIFT-Number entry