E d i t i n g S o n g s & P a t t e r n s
Moving Around
The location, pitch, gate time, and velocity values for each note are
shown on a single line of the display. The notes are arranged in order from
top to bottom. You can move around within the song or pattern by simply
moving the cursor. Move below the bottom of the display and the note
data will scroll down, moving towards the end of the song or pattern. The
opposite occurs when you move up above the top of the display.
In addition to the lines of note data, there are markers for the top of
the song/pattern and the end of the song/pattern. Measure lines are
indicated by solid lines between lines of note data (non-measure bound-
aries between lines of data appear as dotted lines).
End of song
Measure line
Cursor currently
in measure 8