C r e a t i n g O r i g i n a l A c c o m p a n i m e n t P a t t e r n s
Track Default Type Default Voice
D1 (Drum 1) Bypass Dr 001: Standard Kit
D2 (Drum 2) Bypass Dr 001: Standard Kit
PC (Percussion) Bypass Dr 001: Standard Kit
BA (Bass) Bass Ba 033: Acoustic Bass
C1 (Chord 1) Chord 1 Pf 001: Grand Piano
C2 (Chord 2) Chord 1 Pf 001: Grand Piano
C3 (Chord 3) Chord 1 Pf 001: Grand Piano
C4 (Chord 4) Chord 1 Pf 001: Grand Piano
The Phrase Types
Bypass The phrase is not re-harmonized — i.e. it is not
affected by chord changes — when this type is
selected. This type should be used for drum and
percussion phrases, otherwise the drum instruments
will be “re-harmonized” and change whenever a
chord change is encountered.
Bass When the “Bass” type is selected the phrase is re-
harmonized in the same way as for the Chord 1
phrase type, below, except that the root is always
used as the first note immediately following a chord
change. In the case of an “on-bass” chord, the bass
phrase always plays the “on-bass” note.
Chord 1 The source note data is reharmonized based on the
root of the specified chord.
Chord 2 The source note data is re-harmonized with the
closest possible “voice leading” from the preceding
chord. This results in the smoothest possible chord
Parallel When this type is selected the source note data is
simply transposed to the root of the new chord
without re-harmonization.