T h e S o n g J o b s
11 : Extract Event
Allows a specified type of event — note, program change, pitch
bend, control change, channel aftertouch, polyphonic aftertouch, or system
exclusive — to be extracted (removed) from a specified range of measures
in a specified track. The extracted data can be moved to the same range of
measures in any other specified track.
First beat.
First measure. Last measure.
Last beat.
The upper “TR” parameter selects the source track — i.e. the track
from which the event data is to be extracted: “01” … “16”.
The lower “TR” parameter selects the destination track — i.e. the
track to which the extracted event data is to be moved: “01” … “17”, or
“Off” if you simply want to discard the specified event data.
The “M” parameters above the graphic bar are used to specify the
first measure:beat and last measure:beat of the range from which the
event data is to be extracted.
The event type parameter near the upper graphic bar determines the
type of event data to be extracted:
NOTE Note events.
PC Program change events.
PB Pitch bend events.
CC Control change events. When this event type is selected a control
change number parameter appears to the right of the even type.
The control change parameter determines the MIDI control
change number(s) to be extracted: “000” … “127” or “All”.
CAT Channel aftertouch events.
PAT Polyphonic aftertouch events.
EXC Exclusive events.
Event type