T h e P a t t e r n J o b s
The “Transpose” parameter sets a transpose value for the copied
data in semitone increments from “-24” through “+00” to “+24”.
After setting the parameters as required press [ENTER] to execute
the Copy Event job. The metronome icon will appear on the display while
the data is being processed, then “Completed” will appear briefly when
the job is done. Press the [EXIT] key to return to the job list, or a mode key
to go directly to the selected mode.
• Previous data in measures overwritten by the Copy Event job will be completely
erased and replaced by the copied data.
The “M” parameters below the lower graphic bar specifiy the
destination measure:beat to which the data will be copied, as well as the
number of times the data is to be copied.
Destination beat.
Destination measure. Number of times to be copied.