T h e P a t t e r n J o b s
05 : TransposeTransposes all notes in the specified part up or down by the speci-
fied number of semitones.
The “TR” parameter selects the track to be affected by the Trans-
pose job: D1, D2, PC, BA, C1, C2, C3, C4.
The “M” parameters above the graphic bar are used to specify the
first measure:beat and last measure:beat of the range to be modified.
The “Note” parameters specify the range of notes to be affected.
The maximum range is from “C-2” to “G8”.
The “Transpose” parameter determines the amount of transposi-
tion in semitone increments. Minus (-) values transpose down while plus
(+) values transpose up. the range is from “-99” through “0” to “+99”.
After setting the parameters as required press [ENTER] to execute
the Transpose job. The metronome icon will appear on the display while
the data is being processed, then “Completed” will appear briefly when
the job is done. Press the [EXIT] key to return to the job list, or a mode key
to go directly to the selected mode.
First beat.
First measure. Last measure.
Last beat.