Table 15-1 Attack Alert







One Minute High

This is the rate of new half-open sessions

100 half-open sessions per


that causes the firewall to start deleting

minute. The above numbers


half-open sessions. When the rate of new

cause the ZyWALL to start


connection attempts rises above this

deleting half-open sessions


number, the ZyWALL deletes half-open

when more than 100 session


sessions as required to accommodate

establishment attempts have


new connection attempts.

been detected in the last minute,



and to stop deleting half-open



sessions when fewer than 80



session establishment attempts



have been detected in the last







Maximum Incomplete

This is the number of existing half-open

80 existing half-open sessions.


sessions that causes the firewall to stop



deleting half-open sessions. The ZyWALL



continues to delete half-open requests as



necessary, until the number of existing



half-open sessions drops below this








Maximum Incomplete

This is the number of existing half-open

100 existing half-open sessions.


sessions that causes the firewall to start

The above values causes the


deleting half-open sessions. When the

ZyWALL to start deleting half-


number of existing half-open sessions

open sessions when the number


rises above this number, the ZyWALL

of existing half-open sessions


deletes half-open sessions as required to

rises above 100, and to stop


accommodate new connection requests.

deleting half-open sessions with


Do not set Maximum Incomplete High to

the number of existing half-open


lower than the current Maximum

sessions drops below 80.


Incomplete Low number.


TCP Maximum

This is the number of existing half-open

10 existing half-open TCP


TCP sessions with the same destination



host IP address that causes the firewall to



start dropping half-open sessions to that



same destination host IP address. Enter a



number between 1 and 250. As a general



rule, you should choose a smaller number



for a smaller network, a slower system or



limited bandwidth.






Firewall Configuration