Chart N-1 Firewall Commands


config display firewall e-mail

config display firewall ?


E-mailconfig edit firewall e-mail mail- server <ip address of mail server>

config edit firewall e-mail return- addr <e-mail address>

config edit firewall e-mail email- to <e-mail address>

config edit firewall e-mail policy <full hourly daily weekly>

config edit firewall e-mail day <sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday>

config edit firewall e-mail hour <0-23>

config edit firewall e-mail minute <0-59>


This command shows all of the e-mail settings.

This command shows all of the available firewall sub commands.

This command sets the IP address to which the e- mail messages are sent.

This command sets the source e-mail address of the firewall e-mails.

This command sets the e-mail address to which the firewall e-mails are sent.

This command sets how frequently the firewall log is sent via e-mail.

This command sets the day on which the current firewall log is sent through e-mail if the ZyWALL is set to send it on a weekly basis.

This command sets the hour when the firewall log is sent through e- mail if the ZyWALL is set to send it on an hourly, daily or weekly basis.

This command sets the minute of the hour for the firewall log to be sent via e- mail if the ZyWALL is set to send it on a hourly, daily or weekly basis.

Firewall Commands