Prestige 662H/HW Series User’s Guide

Figure 169 Menu 11.5 Remote Node Filter (RFC 1483 or ENET Encapsulation)

Menu 11.5 - Remote Node Filter Input Filter Sets:

protocol filters= device filters= Output Filter Sets: protocol filters= device filters=

Enter here to CONFIRM or ESC to CANCEL:

Figure 170 Menu 11.5 Remote Node Filter (PPPoA or PPPoE Encapsulation)

Menu 11.5 - Remote Node Filter Input Filter Sets:

protocol filters= device filters= Output Filter Sets: protocol filters= device filters=

Call Filter Sets: protocol filters=

device filters=

Enter here to CONFIRM or ESC to CANCEL:

31.5 Editing ATM Layer Options

Follow the steps shown next to edit Menu 11.6 – Remote Node ATM Layer Options.

In menu 11.1, move the cursor to the Edit ATM Options field and then press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes. Press [ENTER] to display Menu 11.6 – Remote Node ATM Layer Options.

There are two versions of menu 11.6 for the Prestige, depending on whether you chose VC- based/LLC-basedmultiplexing and PPP encapsulation in menu 11.1.

31.5.1 VC-based Multiplexing (non-PPP Encapsulation)

For VC-basedmultiplexing, by prior agreement, a protocol is assigned a specific virtual circuit, for example, VC1 will carry IP. Separate VPI and VCI numbers must be specified for each protocol.


Chapter 31 Remote Node Configuration