Prestige 662H/HW Series User’s Guide

LAN to WAN 161

Logic 159

Predefined Services 173

Summary 164


SA 212, 440 SA life time 442 SA lifetime 446 SA Monitor 446 SA monitor 446

Sample IP Addresses 331 Saving the State 150 Scanning engine 204

Schedule Sets Duration 431

Scheduler 272

SCRSee Sustain Cell Rate 324 Secure Gateway Address 220, 439 Security Association 212, 446 Security In General 154 Security Parameter Index 236 Security Parameter Index (SPI) 443 Security Parameters 101 security protocols 436

Security Ramifications 160 Serial Number 496

Server 131, 346, 348, 350, 351, 353, 354, 355, 415 Server behind NAT 350

Service 4, 160 Service Type 169, 455 Services 132

setup a schedule 431 Shared secret 110, 381 Signature 204 Signature-based 204 Signature-based virus scan 204 Single User Account (SUA) 51 SMT Menu Overview 297 SMTP 132

SMTP Error Messages 267 Smurf 148, 149

SNMP 132, 133 Community 378 Configuration 377 Get 377 GetNext 377 Manager 376

MIBs 377

Set 377

Trap 377

Trusted Host 378

SOHO (Small Office/Home Office) 51

Source Address 160, 167

Source-Based Routing 422

SPI 236, 443, 444

Splitters 460

SPTGEN (System Parameter Table Generator) 450 SPTGEN Screens 506

startup 503

Stateful Inspection 45, 144, 145, 150, 151 Prestige 152

Process 151

Static DHCP 84 Static route 336

Static Routing Topology 336

SUA 131, 133

SUA (Single User Account) 122, 131, 344

SUA server 132, 134

Default server set 132

SUA vs NAT 131

SUA/NAT Server Set 135

Sub-class Layers 278

Subnet Mask 62, 80, 167, 315, 330, 338, 389

Subnet Masks 475

Subnetting 475

Supporting Disk 40

Sustain Cell Rate (SCR) 116

Sustained Cell Rate (SCR) 113

SYN Flood 147, 148

SYN flooding 48


Syntax Conventions 40

Syslog 173, 391

Syslog IP Address 391

Syslog Server 391


Console Port Speed 389

Diagnostic 393

Log and Trace 390

Syslog and Accounting 391

System Information 388

System Status 386

System Information 388

System Information & Diagnosis 386

System Maintenance 267, 386, 388, 397, 400, 407, 408,

412, 413, 415

System Management Terminal 297

System password 380

System Security 380