service domain 134 settings 61, 140 user agent 134
SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) 133 SIP ALG 125, 136
SIP ALG (Application Layer Gateway) 125 SIP URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) 133
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) 220 sound quality, and VoIP 137
specification tables 295 speed dial 165
spoofing the MAC address 59, 102
SSID (Service Set IDentity) 85 SSID and security 86 stateful inspection 187
static route 201 default 202 gateway 202 metric 203 overview 201
static WEP 87, 91 status bar 45 status indicators 37 storage humidity 295 storage temperature 295
STUN (Simple Traversal of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) through Network Address Translators) 137
subnet 307
subnetting 310
supplementary phone services 147
supplementary services and DECT phones 156
syntax conventions 4 system name 261 system timeout 218
TCP/IP port 238
telephone keys, and DTMF 138
text file format 331 TFTP restrictions 217
time resetting 266
ToS (Type of Service) 139 Touch Tone® 138 trademarks 351
traffic logs 269 traffic redirect 109 triangle route solutions 190 trigger ports 124
trigger ports example 124 trigger ports process 124 trigger ports setup 127 trunking, VoIP 169
Type Of Service, see ToS 139 types of encapsulation 104 types of models 33
Uniform Resource Identifier, see SIP URI 133
Universal Plug and Play application 225 security issues 225
Universal Plug and Play Forum 226 Universal Plug and Play, see UPnP 225 unused & unbudgeted bandwidth 208 upgloading firmware 282
UPnP 235
web configurator 235
UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) 225 USA type call service mode 149
and file sharing 251 hard drive 251 printer sharing 237
USB features 35 USB printer 35
user agent, and SIP 134
user authentication and WLAN 86
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