


AbS (Analysis-by-Synthesis) 138 Access Point, see AP 85 adding a printer example 243

adding a printer example, Macintosh OS 248 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) 115 alert settings 269

ALG 125

and SIP 125

ALG (Application Layer Gateway 125 alternative subnet mask notation 309 analog phone 147 Analysis-by-Synthesis (AbS) 138

Any IP note 115

Any IP example 114

Any IP feature 114

and NAT 115 setup 121

AP (Access Point) 85

application based bandwidth management 206 Application Layer Gateway, see ALG 125 auto attendant, and VoIP trunking 173

auto-discovering UPnP-enabled network devices 229 automatic log out 41


backing up configuration 283 backup gateway 110 bandwidth borrowing 209 bandwidth borrowing example 209 bandwidth classes 205 bandwidth filters 205

bandwidth management 205 and LAN 211

and WAN 211

and WLAN 212 application based 206 bandwidth classes 205 borrowing 209 budgeting 205 classes 213

fairness-based 208 general 67 monitor 215

over allotment 210 overview 205 priority 69 priority-based 207 reserving 207 services 68 subnet-based 206 unused & unbudgeted 208 web configurator 211 wizard setup 65

base station DECT 153

basic wireless security 52 blinking LEDs 37 blocking calls 163

blocking services via firewall 192 borrowing bandwidth 209 browsing, to a file share 255, 256


call blocking 163 call forwarding 163 call hold 148, 150

call rules, and VoIP trunking 171 call service mode 148, 149, 159 call transfer 149, 150

call waiting 149, 150

certifications 351

notices 352 viewing 352

changing the password 40

CIFS (Common Internet File System) 252 circuit-switched telephone networks 133 Class of Service (CoS) 139 client-server protocol, and SIP 134 codec (coder/decoder) 137


and required bandwidth 138 and VoIP 137

hybrid waveform 138 waveform 137



P-2302HWUDL-P1 Series User’s Guide