Menu 21.7.1 - TCP/IP Filter Rule

Filter #: 7,1

Filter Type= TCP/IP Filter Rule

Active= Yes

IP Protocol= 6 IP Source Route= No

Destination: IP Addr=

IP Mask=

Port #= 21

Port # Comp= Equal

Source: IP Addr=

IP Mask=

Port #= 0

Port # Comp= None

TCP Estab= No

Log= None

More= No

Action Matched= Drop

Action Not Matched= Check Next Rule

Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel: Press Space Bar to Toggle.

Press [SPACE BAR] to choose this filter rule type. The first filter rule type determines all subsequent filter types within a set.

Select Yes to make the rule active.

6 is the TCP protocol.

The port number for FTP is 21. See

There are no more rules to check.

Select Drop so that the packet will be dropped if its destination is the telnet port.

Select Equal here as we are looking for packets going to port 21 only.

RFC 1060 for port numbers of well- known services.

Select Check Next Rule here so that the next rule in this set will be checked.

Figure 13-10 Example Filter — Menu 21.3.1

Press [ENTER] to confirm and display the next screen. Note that there is only one filter rule in this set.


Filter Configuration