Table 14-1 Configuring UPnP







Allow UPnP to pass

Select this check box to create a static LAN to LAN/Prestige rule that allows

through firewall

forwarding of ports 1900 and 80. Selecting this check box also creates a


dynamic firewall rule every time a NAT forwarding port is reserved for UPnP.


This setting remains active until you disable UPnP or clear this check box.


Clear this check box to have the firewall block all UPnP application packets


(for example, MSN packets) instead of creating a firewall rule for them.




This identifies the ZyXEL device in UPnP applications.




Click Apply to save the setting to the Prestige.




Click Reset to begin configuring this screen afresh.



14.3 Installing UPnP in Windows Example

This section shows how to install UPnP in Windows Me and Windows XP.

Installing UPnP in Windows Me

Follow the steps below to install the UPnP in Windows Me.

9.Click Start and Control Panel. Double-clickAdd/Remove Programs.

10.Click on the Windows Setup tab and select Communication in the Components selection box. Click Details.
