20.4 Applying Schedule Sets to Remote Nodes

Once your schedule sets are configured, you must apply them to the desired remote node(s). Enter 11 from the main menu and, using the [SPACE BAR], select PPPoE or PPTP in the Encapsulation field. Enter your target remote node index number(s) in the Schedules field, as shown next.

Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile

Rem Node Name= ChangeMe

Route= IP

Active= Yes


Encapsulation= PPPoE

Edit IP= No

Service Type= Standard

Telco Option:

Service Name=

Allocated Budget(min)= 0


Period (hr)= 0

Rem Login=

Schedules= 1,3,4

Rem Password= ********

Nailed-Up Connection= No

Authen= CHAP/PAP

Session Options:


My IP Addr=

Edit Filter Sets= No

Server IP Addr=

Idle Timeout(sec)= 300

Connection ID/Name=


Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:

Figure 20-3 Applying Schedule Sets to a Remote Node Example (PPPoE Encapsulation)

You can apply up to four schedule sets, separated by commas, for one remote node. Enter the schedule set numbers for specific remote nodes in the Schedules field. In the examples, shown previously and next, schedule sets 1, 3 and 4 are applied.


Call Scheduling