19.1.3 Web

You can use the Prestige’s embedded web configurator for configuration and file management. See the online help for details.

19.1.4 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)

Simple Network Management Protocol is a member of TCP/IP protocol suite that is used for exchanging management information between network devices. Your Prestige supports SNMP agent functionality, which allows a manager station to manage and monitor the Prestige through the network.

19.1.5 DNS (Domain Name System)

DNS links names to IP addresses. When you access Web sites on the Internet, you can type the IP address of the site or the DNS name.

DNS servers on the Internet convert domain names to IP addresses. Your own Internet service provider may do this conversion or connect to a specific DNS server that does. When you type a domain name in a Web browser, a query is sent to the primary DNS server defined in your Web browser’s configuration dialog box. The DNS server converts the name you specified to an IP address and returns this address to your system. From then on, the IP address is used in all subsequent communications.

DNS service port number (53) is not configurable on the Prestige.

19.2 Remote Management Setup

Remote management setup allows you to choose who can use what services on which interface to manage the Prestige. You can customize the service port, access interface, and the secured client IP address to enhance security and flexibility.

You may manage your Prestige from a remote location, via the Internet (WAN only), via the LAN only, Both (LAN & WAN) or neither (Disable).


Remote Management