P314 Broadband Sharing Gateway with 4-Port Switch

10.2 Call Control Support

The Prestige provides two call control functions: budget management and call history.

Please note that this menu is only applicable when Encapsulation is set to PPPoE in Menu

4 or Menu 11.1.

The budget management function allows you to set a limit on the total outgoing call time of the Prestige within certain times. When the total outgoing call time exceeds the limit, the current call will be dropped and any future outgoing calls will be blocked.

Call history chronicles preceding incoming and outgoing calls.

To access the call control menu, select option 9. Call Control in Menu 24 to go to Menu 24.9 – System Maintenance – Call Control, as shown in the next table.

Menu 24.9 - System Maintenance - Call Control

1.Budget Management

2.Call History

Enter Menu Selection Number:

Figure 10-3

Call Control

10.2.1 Budget Management

Menu 24.9.1 shows the budget management statistics for outgoing calls. Enter 1 from Menu 24.9 – System Maintenance – Call Control to bring up the following menu.


Menu 24.9.1 - Budget Management

Remote Node

Connection Time/Total Budget

Elapsed Time/Total Period

1. ChangeMe

No Budget

No Budget

Reset Node (0 to update screen):

Figure 10-4 Budget Management

The total budget is the time limit on the accumulated time for outgoing calls to a remote node. When this limit is reached, the call will be dropped and further outgoing calls to that remote node will be blocked. After each period, the total budget is reset. The default for the total budget is 0 minutes and the period is 0 hours, meaning no budget control. You can reset the accumulated connection time in this menu by entering the


System Maintenance and Information