P314 Broadband Sharing Gateway with 4-Port Switch

9.3Restore Configuration

Menu 24.6 -– System Maintenance – Restore Configuration allows you to restore the configuration via the console port.

FTP and TFTP are the preferred methods for restoring your current workstation configuration to your Prestige since FTP and TFTP are faster. Please note that the system reboots automatically after the file transfer is complete. The following screen is what you see in Menu 24.5 when connected to the Prestige via console port.

Ready to restore Configuration via Xmodem.

Do you want to continue (y/n):

Figure 9-3 Menu 24.6 – System Maintenance – Restore Configuration (Console Port)

The following screen is what you see in Menu 24.5 when you telnet into the Prestige.

Menu 24.6 -- System Maintenance - Restore Configuration

To transfer the firmware and configuration file, follow the procedure below:

1.Launch the FTP client on your workstation.

2.Type "open" and the IP address of your router. Then type "root" and SMT password as requested.

3.Type "put backupfilename rom-0" where backupfilename is the name of your backup configuration file on your workstation and rom-spt is the remote file name on the router. This restores the configuration to your router.

4.The system reboots automatically after a successful file transfer.

For details on FTP commands, please consult the documentation of your FTP client program. For details on backup using TFTP (note that you must remain in this menu to back up using TFTP), please see your router manual.

Press ENTER to Exit:

Figure 9-4 Menu 24.6 – System Maintenance – Restore Configuration (Telnet)

9.4Upload Firmware

Menu 24.7 -– System Maintenance – Upload Firmware allows you to upgrade the firmware and the configuration file via the console port. There are two components in the system: the router firmware and the configuration file, as shown below.


Transferring Files