Craftsman 580.75213 manual Winterstorage, Loneterj Storage, Pretect Fnel System, Change eiJ

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You must protect your unit from freezing temperatures, Failureto do so wHIpermanentlydamageyour pumpand renderyour unit inoperable

Freezedamageis not coveredunderwarranty

To protect the unit frern freezing temperatures:

1.Empty cleaning tank as follows:

a.Disconnect hose connected to injection fitting on pump. Piace end of hose into suitabb container.

b.Rotate detergent shut=off vaiveto "On" position and open the tanks cover. Gravity wiii empty tank contents into container.

c.Reconnect hose to injection fitting on pump. Add 0.5 quart of clean fresh water to cleaning tank and close tanks cover.

2.Flush cleaning system by turning detergentshut=off valveto "On" position and run pressure washerwith black detergent spray tip. Fiush untii cleaning tank is empty. Turn its detergent shut=off valveto "Off" position.

3.Foliow steps 2=5in the previous section After Eac,_Use.

4.Use pump saver, available at Sears retail item 7174403GS,to treat pump. This minimizes freeze damage and iubricates pistons and seal

5.If pump saver is not avaiiabie, connect a 3-foot section of garden hose to water inlet adapter. Pour RV-antifreeze (antifreeze without alcoho!) into hose. Pull recoil handb twice. Disconnect 3-foot hose.

6.Store unit in a clean, dry area.


If you do not plan to use the pressure washer for more than 30 days, you must prepare the engine and pump for Iong term storage.

It is important to prevent gum deposits from forming in essential fuel system parts such as the carburetor, fue! filter, fuel hose or tank during storage. Also, experienceindicates that alcohoPbbnded fuels (called gas@d, ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture, whbh leads to separation and formation of acids during storage. Acidic gas can damagethe fuel system of an engine while in storage.

Pretect Fnel System

Fuel ,_dditNe:

Fuelcan becomestale when stored over 30 days. Stale fuel causes acid and gum deposits to form in the fuel system or on essential carburetor parts. To keep fuet fresh, use Briggs

&Stratton FRESHSTAR7Mfuet stabilizer, available as a liquid additive or a drip concentrate cartridge.

There is no needto drain gasoiine from the engine if a fuet stabilizer is added according to instructions. Run the engine for 2 minutes to circulate the stabiiizer throughout the fuel system. The engine and fuei can then be stored up to

24 months.

If gasoiine in the engine has not beentreated with a fuei stabiiizer, it must be drained into an approved container. Run the engine untii it stops from iack of fuei. The use of a fuel

stabiiizer in the storage container is recommended to maintain freshness.

Change eiJ

Whiie engine is stiii warm, drain oii from crankcase. Refill with recommended grade. See ChangingEngine OiL

eil CymJnderBere

°Removespark plug and pour about 1/2 ounce (15 rot) of clean engine oii into the @in@r.

oInstali spark plug and pull starter handle slowly to distribute oil.

Pretect Primp

To protect the pump from damage causedby minerai deposits or freezing, use PumpSaver, item 7174403GS, to

treat pump. This prevents freezedamage and lubricates }istons and seals.

You must protect your unit from freezing temperatures. Faik_reto do so will permanently damage your purnp and render your unit inoperable

Freezedamage is not covered under warranty.

NOTE:PumpSaveris availabie as an optional accessory, it is not included with the pressurewasher. Contact your iocai Searsservice center to purchase PumpSaver.

To use PumpSaver, makesure the pressurewasher is turned off and disconnected from supply water. Readand foiiow aii instructions and warnings given on the PumpSavercontainer.

Other eterage Tips

1.DONOTstorefuelfrom oneseasonto anotherunlessit has beentreated as described in Protect Fue/System.

2.Repiacefuei container if it starts to rust. Rust and/or dirt in fuel can cause problems if it'sused with this unit.

3.Coverunit with a suitable protective cover that does not retain moisture.


jStoragecovers can be flammable.

DONOTplacea storagecoveroverahot pressurewasher.

oLetequipmentcoo[for a sufficienttime beforeplacingthe coveronthe equiprnent.

4.Store unit in a clean and dry area.


Image 21
Contents Maintenance SafetyPSi MAX GPtVlMAX Model No AssembJyIts limitations, and any hazards involved Hazard $ymhomsand MeaningsEngine exhaust from this productcontains WidENSTARTINGEQUIPMENTWIDENSTOUINGFUEL8U EQUIPdENTWiTidFUELIN Tane Contact with muffler area can result in serious burns Tankorcap. Correctalldefectsbeforeoperatingpressure washer Knowyourpressurewasher Adjustments. Savethis manuaIfor future referenceCartoncontents Add Fuel Attach Detergent Siphon Hose to PumpAdd Engine Oil Underiying tissues, ieadingto serious injury CennectHeseand Water Supply te PumpPump Water supply IDO not Without Checklist Before Starting Engine Te Start Yenr Cleaning System Howto Useyour CleaningsystemPressure Washer Lecation PressureWasherClearanceOssibte amputation How to Stop Yoer Cleaning System Hew te Use Spray TipsLew Pressure Cleaning and Applying Detergent Pressure Washer RinsingAutomatic Ceel Dewn System Thermal lleiief Enginetechnicalinformation PRODUCTSPECiFiCATiONSPressureWasher Specificatbns Pewer RatingsClean Debris PressurewashermaintenanceOWNERSRESPONSiBiLiTIES Generalreco JMENDATION$Check and Cmeannet Screen Check High Pressure HeseCheck Gun and NezzJe Extensien WidENTESTINGFORENGINESPARE EnginemaintenanceEll CheckingOil LevelService Spark Plug WipedipstickcleaneachtimeoillevelischeckedDOSpark Attester Service Service Air gleanerAftereachuse Clean Combustion ChamberAir CeomingSystem WidENSTeRINGFUELeR Equipmentwith FUELiN TankLoneterj Storage WinterstoragePretect Fnel System Change eiJErratic pressure, chattering, loss Pump has following problems faiJureto producepressurePressure, law water vaJume Detergent faib to mix with sprayPage Main Unit -- Exploded View CRAFTSMAN2550 PSI Cleaning SystemCRAFTSMAN2558 PSi CteaningSystem58&752138 Main Unit -- Parts ListCRAFTSMAN2550 PSi CJeanin9System Pump ExpJodedView CAP,Oil CRAFTSMAN2550 PSI CteanJngSystem 580,752130 Pump Parts ListCAP,!/8 KIT,PIPEFITTHdG87O 871 741 ENGINE, BrJggs & Stratton, 126T02 ExpJodedView 684 718 869968 445 615 4O4 616 443188 505 601 957 ENGINE, Briggs & $tratton, 126T02 Exploded View842 524 C 585 633 633A 127 O 130 276 617ENGJNEBriggs & Stratton 126T02 Parts List Page Provisions EmJions Information Garantia MontajeOPERAC!ON Advertencia AdvertencjaCgANgOALMACENE8 GUARDEELEQgIPOCONCOMBU$TmBLEEN Advertencja Comoresultado,poddanproducirsefracturasRetrocesodela pistolarociadorapuedeprovocar caidas Incluye!doel vidrio AdvertenciaMonoo,o,o o,oo ,osooso oontos,ooo,onomo ooo,stomooo,,m,,o,o Desembale Ja Limpiadera a Presin MONTA,JEDEL$1$TEMA DE LimpiezaCeneete e! Manubrie y Limpiar el Tanque Centenide de Ja CajaAgregue Gaseiina ADVERTENCiAMentaje de Manguera de $ifOn dei Detergente a la Bemha Agregue Aceite de MeterCenecte a Manguera y el $uministre de Agua a la Bemha 762metros2.500piesconel juegodegranaltitudLbierto EiSTADEREViSiONPREViA Aearranque DEEt Otor AVl$O#VENTENCJA COMOUSAR$J $JSTEMA#E LjmpjezaUbJca¢i6n del Hmpiadera a presi6n Para Peaer en Mareha el $istema de LimpiezaComoresultado,podrianproducirsefracturas Agua rociada puedesalpicaro propulsarobetosQuemadurasgraves Dep6sitodecombustibley provocarunincendioC6me usar las puntas de retie La Presi6n Baja2200PSI 2550PS GPM Limpieza y Apiicaci6n dei Detergente SeleccionelapuntaderociadodeseadaUseinclina Alivie T rmice AgVERTENCJAEnjuage de Ja Mquina Limpiadora a Presi6n $istema de Enfriamiente AatemtieePeten¢ia Neminal ESPECJFJCACJONEDEL$ ProductoEspecificacienes de aaquina Limpiadora a Presi6n EspecificacienesBECOJVJENDACISNEGENEBALE$ $CONTBOLDE EJVilSJONE$ BESPONSABJLIDADES#EL PrspietabjoOperadordeberdrnantenerla avadoradepresiOntay comose MantenimientodescfitaanterbrFnenteLjmpjadora PRESJ6N Mantenjmjentode LA MAQUiNALhnpie los Residues Revise y Limpie el Ceiader de EntradaEUANDeReEBELABe, iA#ELleTeR Manteni JtENTO#EL MotorMantenimiente de tes AnJos AceiteRempiace la Buja Servicio dei Depurador de AireServJcJodel Apagachispas DESPUE$DE Cada U$0$istema de RefrigeratiOn de Aire Limpieza de maCmara de Comhusti6nPreteja ei $istema de Cemhustihie ALJ Acenaj IentoprolongadoCambie de aceite AVl$OAceite el Dimetre nterier deJ CHindre PretecciOn de la BembaEmdetergeeteno se mezcmeconem reciade Prebmema SolutiOnDepuradordeairesucio Singasolea Gasolieavieja P6ngaseencoetactoconel centredeservicio SearsPage Ne habr cargee Nfermac6n sehre emisiones 888 o784-6427 Wwwmea rs,com