Craftsman 580.75213 manual Enginetechnicalinformation, PRODUCTSPECiFiCATiONS, Pewer Ratings

Page 15


This is a single cylinder, L=head,air cooled engine. It is a low emissions engine.

In tl_e Stateof Caiifornia, Model 120000 engines are certified by the California Air Resources Boardto meet emissions standards for 125 hours. Such certification does not grant the purchaser, owner or operator of this engine any additional warranties with respectto the performance or operational iife of this engine. The engine is warranted soiely according to the product and emissions warranties stated elsewherein this manual.

Pewer Ratings

The gross power rating for individual gas engine models is labeledin accordance with SAE(Society of Automotive Engineers)code J1940 (SmalI Engine Power & Torque Rating Procedure),and rating performance has been obtained andcorrected in accordancewith SAEJ1995 (Revision 2002-05). Torque values are derived at 3060 RPM; horsepower vaiues are derived at 3600 RPiVI.Actuai gross engine power wiii be iower and is affected by, among other things, ambient operating conditions and engine-to-engine variabiiity. Given both the wide array of products on which engines are piaced and the variety of environmentai issues appiicabteto operating the equipment, the gas engine wiii not develop the rated gross power when used in a given piece of power equipment (actual "on-site" or net power). This difference is due to a variety of factors including, but not limited to, accessories (air cteaner, exhaust,charging, cooiing, carburetor, fuel pump, etc.), appiication iimitations, ambient operating conditions (temperature,humidity, altitude), and engine-to-engine variabiiity. Due to manufacturing and capacity iimitations, Briggs & Stratton maysubstitute an engine of higher rated power for this Series engine.


PressureWasher Specificatbns

Max Outbt Pressure

2,550 PSi

Max Ftow Rate

2.3 GPM


Use as directed

Water Supply Temperature

Not to exceed IO0°F

Shipping Weiglst

72 Ibs.





£69 in. (68mm)


£04 in. (52rnm)


11.57 in. (190 cc)




Briggs & Stratton 802592 or 5095D



ArrnatureAir Gap:


Valveclearancewithvalvespringsinstalledand piston1/4in,

(6 turn)pasttop deadcenter(checkwhenengineis cold),







1.6 Quarts


18Ounces(0.5 liter)

NOTE:For practicai operation, the engine ioad should not exceed 85% of rated power. Enginepower will decrease

3-I/2% for each 1,000 feet (300 meters) above sea Ieveiand 1% for each 10° F (5.6° C) above 77° F (25° C). It should operatesatisfactorily at an angle up to 15°,


Image 15
Contents AssembJy SafetyMaintenance PSi MAX GPtVlMAX Model NoIts limitations, and any hazards involved Hazard $ymhomsand MeaningsEngine exhaust from this productcontains WidENSTARTINGEQUIPMENTWIDENSTOUINGFUEL8U EQUIPdENTWiTidFUELIN Tane Contact with muffler area can result in serious burns Tankorcap. Correctalldefectsbeforeoperatingpressure washer Knowyourpressurewasher Adjustments. Savethis manuaIfor future referenceCartoncontents Add Fuel Attach Detergent Siphon Hose to PumpAdd Engine Oil Underiying tissues, ieadingto serious injury CennectHeseand Water Supply te PumpPump Water supply IDO not Without Checklist Before Starting Engine PressureWasherClearance Howto Useyour CleaningsystemTe Start Yenr Cleaning System Pressure Washer LecationOssibte amputation How to Stop Yoer Cleaning System Hew te Use Spray TipsLew Pressure Cleaning and Applying Detergent Pressure Washer RinsingAutomatic Ceel Dewn System Thermal lleiief Pewer Ratings PRODUCTSPECiFiCATiONSEnginetechnicalinformation PressureWasher SpecificatbnsGeneralreco JMENDATION$ PressurewashermaintenanceClean Debris OWNERSRESPONSiBiLiTIESCheck and Cmeannet Screen Check High Pressure HeseCheck Gun and NezzJe Extensien CheckingOil Level EnginemaintenanceWidENTESTINGFORENGINESPARE EllService Air gleaner WipedipstickcleaneachtimeoillevelischeckedDOService Spark Plug Spark Attester ServiceWidENSTeRINGFUELeR Equipmentwith FUELiN Tank Clean Combustion ChamberAftereachuse Air CeomingSystemChange eiJ WinterstorageLoneterj Storage Pretect Fnel SystemDetergent faib to mix with spray Pump has following problems faiJureto producepressureErratic pressure, chattering, loss Pressure, law water vaJumePage Main Unit -- Exploded View CRAFTSMAN2550 PSI Cleaning SystemCRAFTSMAN2558 PSi CteaningSystem58&752138 Main Unit -- Parts ListCRAFTSMAN2550 PSi CJeanin9System Pump ExpJodedView KIT,PIPEFITTHdG CRAFTSMAN2550 PSI CteanJngSystem 580,752130 Pump Parts ListCAP,Oil CAP,!/8445 615 4O4 616 443 ENGINE, BrJggs & Stratton, 126T02 ExpJodedView 684 718 86987O 871 741 968127 O 130 276 617 ENGINE, Briggs & $tratton, 126T02 Exploded View188 505 601 957 842 524 C 585 633 633AENGJNEBriggs & Stratton 126T02 Parts List Page Provisions EmJions Information Garantia MontajeOPERAC!ON Advertencia AdvertencjaCgANgOALMACENE8 GUARDEELEQgIPOCONCOMBU$TmBLEEN Advertencja Comoresultado,poddanproducirsefracturasRetrocesodela pistolarociadorapuedeprovocar caidas Incluye!doel vidrio AdvertenciaMonoo,o,o o,oo ,osooso oontos,ooo,onomo ooo,stomooo,,m,,o,o Centenide de Ja Caja MONTA,JEDEL$1$TEMA DE LimpiezaDesembale Ja Limpiadera a Presin Ceneete e! Manubrie y Limpiar el TanqueAgregue Aceite de Meter ADVERTENCiAAgregue Gaseiina Mentaje de Manguera de $ifOn dei Detergente a la BemhaCenecte a Manguera y el $uministre de Agua a la Bemha 762metros2.500piesconel juegodegranaltitudLbierto EiSTADEREViSiONPREViA Aearranque DEEt Otor AVl$OPara Peaer en Mareha el $istema de Limpieza COMOUSAR$J $JSTEMA#E Ljmpjeza#VENTENCJA UbJca¢i6n del Hmpiadera a presi6nDep6sitodecombustibley provocarunincendio Agua rociada puedesalpicaro propulsarobetosComoresultado,podrianproducirsefracturas QuemadurasgravesC6me usar las puntas de retie La Presi6n Baja2200PSI 2550PS GPM Limpieza y Apiicaci6n dei Detergente SeleccionelapuntaderociadodeseadaUseinclina $istema de Enfriamiente Aatemtiee AgVERTENCJAAlivie T rmice Enjuage de Ja Mquina Limpiadora a Presi6nEspecificacienes ESPECJFJCACJONEDEL$ ProductoPeten¢ia Neminal Especificacienes de aaquina Limpiadora a Presi6nMantenimientodescfitaanterbrFnente BESPONSABJLIDADES#EL PrspietabjoBECOJVJENDACISNEGENEBALE$ $CONTBOLDE EJVilSJONE$ Operadordeberdrnantenerla avadoradepresiOntay comoseRevise y Limpie el Ceiader de Entrada Mantenjmjentode LA MAQUiNALjmpjadora PRESJ6N Lhnpie los ResiduesAceite Manteni JtENTO#EL MotorEUANDeReEBELABe, iA#ELleTeR Mantenimiente de tes AnJosRempiace la Buja Servicio dei Depurador de AireLimpieza de maCmara de Comhusti6n DESPUE$DE Cada U$0ServJcJodel Apagachispas $istema de RefrigeratiOn de AirePreteja ei $istema de Cemhustihie ALJ Acenaj IentoprolongadoPretecciOn de la Bemba AVl$OCambie de aceite Aceite el Dimetre nterier deJ CHindreP6ngaseencoetactoconel centredeservicio Sears Prebmema SolutiOnEmdetergeeteno se mezcmeconem reciade Depuradordeairesucio Singasolea GasolieaviejaPage Ne habr cargee Nfermac6n sehre emisiones 888 o784-6427 Wwwmea rs,com