Starter cord kickback (rapid retraction) can result in bodily injury, Kickback will pull hand and arm toward engine faster than you can iet go.
Broken bones, fractures, bruises, or sprains could result.
• NEVERpull starter cord without first relieving spray gun pressure.
oWhen starting engine pull cord slowly until resistance is felt and then pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
•After eachstarting attempt_where engine fails to run, always point spray gun in safe direction and squeezespray gLmtrigger to releasehigh pressure. Engagespray gun trigger lock.
•Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high pressure spray to avoid iniury when spray gun kicks back.
Useof pressure washer can create puddles and slippery surfaces.
Kickbackfrom spray gun can cause you to fail.
•Operate pressure washer frorn a stable surface.
•The cleaning area should haveadequate slopes and drainageto reduce the possibility of a fall due to slippery surfaces.
oBe extremely careful if you rnust use the pressure washer from a ladder, scaf%ding_ or any other similar location.
•Firmly grasp spray gLmwith both hands when using high pressure spray to avoid injury when spray gun kicks back.
Contact with muffler area can result in serious burns.
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles, structures or damage fueI tank causing a fire.
•DONOTtouchhot partsandAVOIDhot exhaustgases.
•Allowequipmentto cool beforetouching.
•Keepat least5feet (152cm) of clearanceonall sidesof pressurewasherincludingoverhead.
•Codeof FederalRegulation(CFR)Title36 Parks,Forests,and PublicPropertyrequireequipmentpoweredby aninternal combustionengineto haveasparkarrester rnaintainedin
effectiveworkingorder,complyingto USDAForestservice
sparkarresteris requiredundersection4442of the California Publicresourcescode.Otherstatesrnayhavesimilarlaws.
The high pressure stream of water that this equipment produces can cut through skin and its underlying tissues, ieading to serious injury and _ossible amputation,
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when engine is stopped and water is disconnected, which can cause injury.
•DO NOT allow CHILDRENto operate pressure washer. o NEVERrepair high pressure hose. Replaceit.
•NEVERrepair leaking connections with sealant of any kind.
•NEVERconnect high pressure hoseto nozzle extension.
oKeep high pressure hose connected to purnp and spray gun while system is pressurized.
•ALWAYS point spray gun in safe direction and squeezespray gun trigger to releasehigh pressure, every time you stop engine. Engagetrigger lock when not in use.
•NEVERaim spray gun at people, animals, or plants.
o DO NOTsecure spray gun in open position.
• DO NOT leavespray gun unattended while rnachine is running.
oNEVERuse a spray gun which does not have a trigger lock or trigger guard in place and in working o!der.
oAlways be certain spray gun, nozzlesand accessories are correctly attached.
Unintentional sparking can result in fire or
'_¢ electric shock,
oDisconnectthe sparkplugwire fromthe sparkplugandplace thewire whereit cannotcontactsparkplug.
o Useapprovedsparkplugtester.
• DONOTcheckfor sparkwith sparkplugremoved.