Craftsman 580.75213 manual Provisions

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The California Air Resources Board (CARB), U.S. EPA and Sears are pleased to explain the Ernissions Control System Warranty on your srnaI[ offroad engine (SORE). hr California, new small offroad engines rnodel year 2006 and later must be desiglred, built and equipped to meet the State'sstringent anti-smog standards. Elsewherein the UnitedStates, new non-road,spark-ignition engines certified for mode[year 1997 and later must meet similar standardsset forth bythe U.S. EPA.Sears must warrant the emissions control systern on your engine for the periodsof time listed below, provided there has beenno abuse, neglector improper maintenanceof your small off-road engine.

Your emissions control system includes parts such as tire carburetor, air cleaner, ignition system, fuel line, muffler and catalytic converter. Also included rnay be connectors and other emissions related assernblies.

Where a warrantable colrdition exists, Sears will repair your small off-road engine at no cost to you including diagnosis, parts and labor.

Sears, Roehook and Co. Emissions Control Befeota Warranty Covera.qe

Small off-road engines are warranted relative to ernissions control parts defects for a period of two years, subiect to provisions set forth below. If any covered part on your engine is defective,the part will be repaired or replaced by Sears.

Owner'sWarranty Responsibilities

As tire small off-road engine owner, you are responsible for tire performance of the required rnaintenancelisted in your Operating and Maintenance Instructions. Sears recommends that you retain all your receipts covering maintenance on your small off-road engine but Sears cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts or for your failure to ensurethe performance of all scheduled rnaintenance. As the small off-road engine owner, you should however be aware that Sears may deny you warranty coverage if your small off-road engine or a part has failed due to abuse, neglect, improper rnaintenanceor unapproved modifications.

You are responsible for presenting your small off-road engine to an Authorized Sears Service Dealeras soon as a problem exbts.

The undisputed warranty repairs should be completed hra reasonable amount of time, not to exceed30 days.

If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and

responsibilities, you should contact a Sears Service Representative at 1-800-469-4663.

The emissions warranty is a defects warranty. Defects are iudged on normal engine performance. The warranty is not related to an in- use emissions test.

Sears, Recheck aod Co. Emissions Control Defects Warraoty


The following are specific provisions relativeto your Emissions Control DefectsWarranty Coverage.It is in addition to the Sears engine warranty for non-regulated engines found in the Operatingand MahrtenanceInstructbns.

1. Warranted Parts

Coverageunder this warranty extends only to the parts listed below (the emissions control systems parts) to the extent these parts were present on the engine purchased.

a.Fuel Meterhrg System

Cold start enrichment system

*Carburetor and hrternal parts

*Fuel Pump

*Fuel line, fuel [hrefittings, clamps , Fue[tank, cap and tether

, Carbon canister

b.Air Induction System * Air cbaner

° Intake rnanl%d

. Purge and vent line

cIgnition System , Spark plug(s)

, Magneto ignition system

d. Catalyst System

*Catalytic converter , Exhaust manifold

,Air iniection system, Pulse valve

e.Miscellaneous Items

,Vacuum, temperature, position, tirne sensitive valves and switches

oConnectors and assernblbs

2.Length of Coverage

Sears warrants to the initial owner and eachsubsequent purchaser that the Warranted Parts shahbe free from defects in materials and workrnanship which caused the failure of the Warranted Parts for a period of two years from the date tire engine is deliveredto a retail purchaser.

3.No Charge

Repair or replacement of airy Warranted Part will be performed at no charge to the owner, hrcluding diagnostic labor which leads to the determhration that a Warranted Part is defective if

the diagnostic work ls performed at an Authorized Sears Service Dealer.

4.CJaims and Coverage Exclusions

Warranty claims shall be filed hraccordance with the provls_ons of the Sears Brgine Warranty Policy. Warranty coverage shall be excluded for failures ofWarranted Parts which are not

original Sears parts or becauseof abuse, neglect or improper

rnaintenanceas set forth in the Sears Engine Warranty Policy. Sears is not liable to cover failures of Warranted Parts caused

by the use of add-on, non-original, or rnodified parts.


Any Warranted Part which is not schedubd for rephcement as required rnaintenanceor which is scheduled only for regular inspection to the effect of "repair or replaceas necessary"shall be warranted asto defects for the warranty period. Any Warranted Part which is scheduledfor replacementas required rnaintenarce shall be warranted as to defects only for the period of time up to tire first scheduled replacernentfor that part. Any replacement part that is equivalent in performarce and durabilityrnay be used in the perforrnanceof any rnaintenanceor repairs. The owner is responsible for the performance of all

required maintenance,as defined in the Sears Operatingand Maintenance Instructions.

6.Consequential Coverage

Coverage hereunder sha!l extend to the failure of any engine components caused by tire failure of any Warranted Part still under warranty.

In the USAandCanada,a24-hourhotlhre,1-800-469-4663,hasa rnenuof pro-recordedrnessagesofferhrgyou productmaintenance [nforrnation.


Image 32
Contents Safety MaintenancePSi MAX GPtVlMAX Model No AssembJyHazard $ymhomsand Meanings Its limitations, and any hazards involvedWIDENSTOUINGFUEL8U EQUIPdENTWiTidFUELIN Tane Engine exhaust from this productcontainsWidENSTARTINGEQUIPMENT Contact with muffler area can result in serious burns Tankorcap. Correctalldefectsbeforeoperatingpressure washer Adjustments. Savethis manuaIfor future reference KnowyourpressurewasherCartoncontents Add Engine Oil Add FuelAttach Detergent Siphon Hose to Pump Pump Water supply IDO not Without Underiying tissues, ieadingto serious injuryCennectHeseand Water Supply te Pump Checklist Before Starting Engine Howto Useyour Cleaningsystem Te Start Yenr Cleaning SystemPressure Washer Lecation PressureWasherClearanceOssibte amputation Lew Pressure How to Stop Yoer Cleaning SystemHew te Use Spray Tips Automatic Ceel Dewn System Thermal lleiief Cleaning and Applying DetergentPressure Washer Rinsing PRODUCTSPECiFiCATiONS EnginetechnicalinformationPressureWasher Specificatbns Pewer RatingsPressurewashermaintenance Clean DebrisOWNERSRESPONSiBiLiTIES Generalreco JMENDATION$Check Gun and NezzJe Extensien Check and Cmeannet ScreenCheck High Pressure Hese Enginemaintenance WidENTESTINGFORENGINESPAREEll CheckingOil LevelWipedipstickcleaneachtimeoillevelischeckedDO Service Spark PlugSpark Attester Service Service Air gleanerClean Combustion Chamber AftereachuseAir CeomingSystem WidENSTeRINGFUELeR Equipmentwith FUELiN TankWinterstorage Loneterj StoragePretect Fnel System Change eiJPump has following problems faiJureto producepressure Erratic pressure, chattering, lossPressure, law water vaJume Detergent faib to mix with sprayPage CRAFTSMAN2550 PSI Cleaning System Main Unit -- Exploded ViewMain Unit -- Parts List CRAFTSMAN2558 PSi CteaningSystem58&752138CRAFTSMAN2550 PSi CJeanin9System Pump ExpJodedView CRAFTSMAN2550 PSI CteanJngSystem 580,752130 Pump Parts List CAP,OilCAP,!/8 KIT,PIPEFITTHdGENGINE, BrJggs & Stratton, 126T02 ExpJodedView 684 718 869 87O 871 741968 445 615 4O4 616 443 ENGINE, Briggs & $tratton, 126T02 Exploded View 188 505 601 957 842 524 C 585 633 633A 127 O 130 276 617ENGJNEBriggs & Stratton 126T02 Parts List Page Provisions EmJions Information OPERAC!ON GarantiaMontaje CgANgOALMACENE8 GUARDEELEQgIPOCONCOMBU$TmBLEEN AdvertenciaAdvertencja Retrocesodela pistolarociadorapuedeprovocar caidas AdvertencjaComoresultado,poddanproducirsefracturas Advertencia Incluye!doel vidrioMonoo,o,o o,oo ,osooso oontos,ooo,onomo ooo,stomooo,,m,,o,o MONTA,JEDEL$1$TEMA DE Limpieza Desembale Ja Limpiadera a PresinCeneete e! Manubrie y Limpiar el Tanque Centenide de Ja CajaADVERTENCiA Agregue GaseiinaMentaje de Manguera de $ifOn dei Detergente a la Bemha Agregue Aceite de MeterLbierto Cenecte a Manguera y el $uministre de Agua a la Bemha762metros2.500piesconel juegodegranaltitud AVl$O EiSTADEREViSiONPREViA Aearranque DEEt OtorCOMOUSAR$J $JSTEMA#E Ljmpjeza #VENTENCJAUbJca¢i6n del Hmpiadera a presi6n Para Peaer en Mareha el $istema de LimpiezaAgua rociada puedesalpicaro propulsarobetos Comoresultado,podrianproducirsefracturasQuemadurasgraves Dep6sitodecombustibley provocarunincendio2200PSI 2550PS GPM C6me usar las puntas de retieLa Presi6n Baja Useinclina Limpieza y Apiicaci6n dei DetergenteSeleccionelapuntaderociadodeseada AgVERTENCJA Alivie T rmiceEnjuage de Ja Mquina Limpiadora a Presi6n $istema de Enfriamiente AatemtieeESPECJFJCACJONEDEL$ Producto Peten¢ia NeminalEspecificacienes de aaquina Limpiadora a Presi6n EspecificacienesBESPONSABJLIDADES#EL Prspietabjo BECOJVJENDACISNEGENEBALE$ $CONTBOLDE EJVilSJONE$Operadordeberdrnantenerla avadoradepresiOntay comose MantenimientodescfitaanterbrFnenteMantenjmjentode LA MAQUiNA Ljmpjadora PRESJ6NLhnpie los Residues Revise y Limpie el Ceiader de EntradaManteni JtENTO#EL Motor EUANDeReEBELABe, iA#ELleTeRMantenimiente de tes AnJos AceiteServicio dei Depurador de Aire Rempiace la BujaDESPUE$DE Cada U$0 ServJcJodel Apagachispas$istema de RefrigeratiOn de Aire Limpieza de maCmara de Comhusti6nALJ Acenaj Ientoprolongado Preteja ei $istema de CemhustihieAVl$O Cambie de aceiteAceite el Dimetre nterier deJ CHindre PretecciOn de la BembaPrebmema SolutiOn Emdetergeeteno se mezcmeconem reciadeDepuradordeairesucio Singasolea Gasolieavieja P6ngaseencoetactoconel centredeservicio SearsPage Ne habr cargee Nfermac6n sehre emisiones Wwwmea rs,com 888 o784-6427