Craftsman 580.75213 manual Add Fuel, Attach Detergent Siphon Hose to Pump, Add Engine Oil

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. Insert spray gun holder wireform (A) through holejust above cleaning tank on left side of handle (viewing from front of unit). Hold wimform in place and attach a piastic knob (B) from inside of unit. Tighten by hand.

Add Fuel

Fuel must meet these requirements:

. Clean,fresh, unleadedgasoline.

oA minimum of 87 octane/87 AKi (91 RON). High altitude use, see High A/titude.

. Gasoiinewith up to 10% ethanoi (gas@@ or up to 15% MTBE(methyl tertiary butyl ether) is acceptable.


Attach Detergent Siphon Hose to Pump

The pressure washer is equipped with two detergent siphoning hoses. One is attached to the cleaning tank and one is loose for siphoning pressure washer safe detergents from a bottle or container.

Attach one of the detergent siphon hoses (A) to the barbed hose fitting (B) on the pump.

Avoid pressure washer damage.

Failureto follow Operator'sManual for fuei recommendations voids warranty.

DONOTuseunapprovedgasolinesuchas E85.

DONOTmixoil in gasoline.

DONOTmodifyengineto runon alternatefuels.

To protect the fuel system from gum formation, mix in a fuel stabiiizer when adding fueI. See Storage. Ali fuei is not the same. if you experiencestarting or performance probiems after using fuel, switch to a different fuel provider or change brands. This engine is certified to operate on gasoline. The emission control system for this engine is EM (Engine Modifbations).

IMPORTANT:Only one detergent siphoning hose can be used at a time. When cteaningtank is not used, makesure detergent shut=off valve oll cleaning tank is in the "Off" position.

Add Engine Oil

1.Place pressure washer on a fiat, bvei surface.

2.Cleanarea around oil fill and remove yellow oil fill cap/dipstick.

NOTE:See Oi/Recommendations in Ma,_otenancesection. Verify provided oii bottle is the correct viscosity for current ambient temperature.

3.Using oii funne! (optional), sIowiy pour contents of provided oil bottle into oil fill opening.

improper treatment of pressurewasher can damage it and shorten its iife.

DONOTattemptto crankor stat the enginebeforeit hasbeen properlyservicedwiththe recommendedoil. Thismayresultin anenginefailure.

4.Replaceoil fill cap/dipstick and fully tighten.


Fueland its vapors are extremely flammable and explosive.


Fire or explosion can causesevere burns or


oTurnpressurewasherOFFandlet it coolat least2 minutes

beforeremovingfuelcap. Loosencapslowlyto relievepressure in tank.

o Fillfuel tankoutdoors.

• DONOToverfilltank.Allowspacefor fue!expansion.

o Iffuel spills waituntil it evaporatesbeforestartingengine.

Keepfuelawayfrornsparks,openflames,pilot lights,heat,and otherignitionsources.

®DONOTlight a cigaretteorsmoke.

1.Cleanareaaround fuet fill cap, removecap.

2.Siowiy add regular unleadedfuel (A) to fuet tank (B). Be carefui not to overfiii. Aliow about 1.5" (4 cm) (C) of tank space for fuel expansion.

3.Install fuel cap and wait for any spilled fuel to evaporate.

Image 8
Contents Safety MaintenancePSi MAX GPtVlMAX Model No AssembJyHazard $ymhomsand Meanings Its limitations, and any hazards involvedWIDENSTOUINGFUEL8U EQUIPdENTWiTidFUELIN Tane Engine exhaust from this productcontainsWidENSTARTINGEQUIPMENT Contact with muffler area can result in serious burns Tankorcap. Correctalldefectsbeforeoperatingpressure washer Adjustments. Savethis manuaIfor future reference KnowyourpressurewasherCartoncontents Add Engine Oil Add FuelAttach Detergent Siphon Hose to Pump Pump Water supply IDO not Without Underiying tissues, ieadingto serious injuryCennectHeseand Water Supply te Pump Checklist Before Starting Engine Howto Useyour Cleaningsystem Te Start Yenr Cleaning SystemPressure Washer Lecation PressureWasherClearanceOssibte amputation Lew Pressure How to Stop Yoer Cleaning SystemHew te Use Spray Tips Automatic Ceel Dewn System Thermal lleiief Cleaning and Applying DetergentPressure Washer Rinsing PRODUCTSPECiFiCATiONS EnginetechnicalinformationPressureWasher Specificatbns Pewer RatingsPressurewashermaintenance Clean DebrisOWNERSRESPONSiBiLiTIES Generalreco JMENDATION$Check Gun and NezzJe Extensien Check and Cmeannet ScreenCheck High Pressure Hese Enginemaintenance WidENTESTINGFORENGINESPAREEll CheckingOil LevelWipedipstickcleaneachtimeoillevelischeckedDO Service Spark PlugSpark Attester Service Service Air gleanerClean Combustion Chamber AftereachuseAir CeomingSystem WidENSTeRINGFUELeR Equipmentwith FUELiN TankWinterstorage Loneterj StoragePretect Fnel System Change eiJPump has following problems faiJureto producepressure Erratic pressure, chattering, lossPressure, law water vaJume Detergent faib to mix with sprayPage CRAFTSMAN2550 PSI Cleaning System Main Unit -- Exploded ViewMain Unit -- Parts List CRAFTSMAN2558 PSi CteaningSystem58&752138CRAFTSMAN2550 PSi CJeanin9System Pump ExpJodedView CRAFTSMAN2550 PSI CteanJngSystem 580,752130 Pump Parts List CAP,OilCAP,!/8 KIT,PIPEFITTHdGENGINE, BrJggs & Stratton, 126T02 ExpJodedView 684 718 869 87O 871 741968 445 615 4O4 616 443ENGINE, Briggs & $tratton, 126T02 Exploded View 188 505 601 957842 524 C 585 633 633A 127 O 130 276 617ENGJNEBriggs & Stratton 126T02 Parts List Page Provisions EmJions Information OPERAC!ON GarantiaMontaje CgANgOALMACENE8 GUARDEELEQgIPOCONCOMBU$TmBLEEN AdvertenciaAdvertencja Retrocesodela pistolarociadorapuedeprovocar caidas AdvertencjaComoresultado,poddanproducirsefracturas Advertencia Incluye!doel vidrioMonoo,o,o o,oo ,osooso oontos,ooo,onomo ooo,stomooo,,m,,o,o MONTA,JEDEL$1$TEMA DE Limpieza Desembale Ja Limpiadera a PresinCeneete e! Manubrie y Limpiar el Tanque Centenide de Ja CajaADVERTENCiA Agregue GaseiinaMentaje de Manguera de $ifOn dei Detergente a la Bemha Agregue Aceite de MeterLbierto Cenecte a Manguera y el $uministre de Agua a la Bemha762metros2.500piesconel juegodegranaltitud AVl$O EiSTADEREViSiONPREViA Aearranque DEEt OtorCOMOUSAR$J $JSTEMA#E Ljmpjeza #VENTENCJAUbJca¢i6n del Hmpiadera a presi6n Para Peaer en Mareha el $istema de LimpiezaAgua rociada puedesalpicaro propulsarobetos Comoresultado,podrianproducirsefracturasQuemadurasgraves Dep6sitodecombustibley provocarunincendio2200PSI 2550PS GPM C6me usar las puntas de retieLa Presi6n Baja Useinclina Limpieza y Apiicaci6n dei DetergenteSeleccionelapuntaderociadodeseada AgVERTENCJA Alivie T rmiceEnjuage de Ja Mquina Limpiadora a Presi6n $istema de Enfriamiente AatemtieeESPECJFJCACJONEDEL$ Producto Peten¢ia NeminalEspecificacienes de aaquina Limpiadora a Presi6n EspecificacienesBESPONSABJLIDADES#EL Prspietabjo BECOJVJENDACISNEGENEBALE$ $CONTBOLDE EJVilSJONE$Operadordeberdrnantenerla avadoradepresiOntay comose MantenimientodescfitaanterbrFnenteMantenjmjentode LA MAQUiNA Ljmpjadora PRESJ6NLhnpie los Residues Revise y Limpie el Ceiader de EntradaManteni JtENTO#EL Motor EUANDeReEBELABe, iA#ELleTeRMantenimiente de tes AnJos AceiteServicio dei Depurador de Aire Rempiace la BujaDESPUE$DE Cada U$0 ServJcJodel Apagachispas$istema de RefrigeratiOn de Aire Limpieza de maCmara de Comhusti6nALJ Acenaj Ientoprolongado Preteja ei $istema de CemhustihieAVl$O Cambie de aceiteAceite el Dimetre nterier deJ CHindre PretecciOn de la BembaPrebmema SolutiOn Emdetergeeteno se mezcmeconem reciadeDepuradordeairesucio Singasolea Gasolieavieja P6ngaseencoetactoconel centredeservicio SearsPage Ne habr cargee Nfermac6n sehre emisiones Wwwmea rs,com 888 o784-6427