Briggs & Stratton 01532-4 owner manual Operation, Severe burns can occur on contact

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In an emergency, use the original shipping carton as a temporary shelter:

7.Cut off all carton flaps.

8.Cut out one long side of carton to expose muffler side of unit as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 — Permanent Cold Weather Shelter


IMPORTANT: The generator must be at least 5 ft.

(152 cm) from structures having combustible walls and/or other combustible materials. Leave at least 3 ft. (92 cm) all around generator including overhead, for adequate cooling, maintenance and servicing.

Manual background WARNING

Running engines produce heat. Temperature of muffler and nearby areas can reach or exceed 150°F (65°C).

Severe burns can occur on contact.

Combustible debris, such as leaves, grass, brush, ect. can catch fire.

DO NOT touch hot surfaces.

Allow equipment to cool before touching.

The generator must be at least 5 feet from structures having combustible walls and/or other combustible materials.

Keep at least 3 feet of clearance on all sides of generator for adequate cooling, maintenance and servicing.

Remove shelter when temperatures are above 40°F [4°C].

9.Cut appropriate slots to access receptacles of unit.

10.Start unit, then place carton over it.

NOTE: Remove shelter when temperatures are above 40°F [4°C].

For a more permanent shelter, build a structure that will enclose three sides and the top of the generator.

7.Make sure entire muffler-side of generator is exposed, as shown in Figure 6.

IMPORTANT: The generator must be at least 5 ft.

(152 cm) from structures having combustible walls and/or other combustible materials. Leave at least 3 ft. (92 cm) all around generator including overhead, for adequate cooling, maintenance and servicing.

8.Face exposed end away from wind and elements.

9.Structure should hold enough heat created by the generator to prevent icing problem.

10.Start and run engine outdoors.

11.Keep exhaust gas from entering a confined area through windows, doors, ventilation intakes or other openings.

Manual background WARNING

Running generator gives off carbon monoxide, an odorless, colorless, poison gas.

Breathing carbon monoxide will cause nausea, fainting or death.

Operate generator ONLY outdoors.

Keep exhaust gas from entering a confined area through windows, doors, ventilation intakes or other openings.

DO NOT operate generator inside any building or enclosure, including the generator compartment of a recreational vehicle (RV).

12.DO NOT enclose generator any more than shown in Figure 6.

13.Remove shelter when temperatures are above 40°F [4°C].

14.Turn engine OFF and let cool two (2) minutes before refueling.


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Contents Llame Línea Directa del Generador BRIGGS & STRATTON POWER PRODUCTS GROUP, LLCJEFFERSON, WISCONSIN, U.S.A Call Generator Helpline Appelez Ligne dassistance de GénérateurSAFETY RULES TABLE OF CONTENTSSAFETY RULES Hazard Symbols and MeaningsDANGER Battery electrolyte fluid contains acid and is extremely causticContact with battery fluid will cause severe chemical burns Generator produces powerful voltageUnintentional sparking can result in fire or electric shock Broken bones, fractures, bruises or sprains could resultSevere burns can occur on contact Combustible debris, such as leaves, grass, brush, etc. can catch fireKNOW YOUR GENERATOR Engine ON/OFF Switch - Used to stop a running engineKNOW YOUR GENERATOR BEFORE STARTING ENGINE ASSEMBLYCarton Contents ASSEMBLYGenerator Location USING THE GENERATORConnecting to a Building’s Electrical System System GroundCombustible debris, such as leaves, grass, brush, ect. can catch fire Connecting Electrical LoadsOPERATING THE GENERATOR Starting the EngineTo recharge 12 Volt batteries, proceed as follows Charging a BatteryStopping the Engine COLD WEATHER OPERATION CONNECTOR PLUGS12 Volt DC Accessory Jack EXTENSION CORDSBreathing carbon monoxide will cause nausea, fainting or death Example Power ManagementDONT OVERLOAD GENERATOR CapacityGenerator Maintenance SPECIFICATIONSGENERAL MAINTENANCE RECOMMENDATIONS Engine MaintenanceOther Storage Tips STORAGEGenerator Storage Engine Storagebut bogs down when loads are TROUBLESHOOTINGTROUBLESHOOTING ProblemPage OUR EQUIPMENT LIMITED WARRANTYWARRANTY PERIOD ABOUT YOUR WARRANTYDESCRIPTION DE L ÉQUIPEMENT Symboles de danger et moyensVEUILLEZ CONSERVER CES INSTRUCTIONS TABLE DES MATIÈRESLe générateur produit une tension élevée Les vitesses extrêmement lentes entraînent une charge importante Unintentional peut résulter dans feu ou électriqueCONNAISSEZ VOTRE GÉNÉRATEUR CONNAISSEZ VOTRE GÉNÉRATEUREnlever le générateur de la boite ASSEMBLAGEAVANT LE DÉMARRAGE DU MOTEUR ASSEMBLAGEMise à la terre du système Emplacement de la génératriceUTILISATION DE LA GÉNÉRATRICE OPÉRATIONFigure 9 - Robinet de carburant en position Open UTILISATION DU GÉNÉRATEURDémarrage du Moteur Branchement des Charges ÉlectriquesFigure 10 - Branchement de la batterie Arrêt du MoteurRecharge dune Batterie Prise de 120 volts CA, 15 ampères FICHES DE CONNEXIONRALLONGES FONCTIONNEMENT PAR TEMPS FROIDFigure 13 - Abri Permanent Pour Temps Froids 7. Coupez tous les rabats de lemballageFigure 14 - Tableau de Référence de Puissance NE SURCHARGEZ PAS GÉNÉRATEURCapacité Gestion de la ConsommationEntretien du Moteur RECOMMANDATIONS GÉNÉRALES D’ENTRETIENSPÉCIFICATIONS SPÉCIFICATIONS ET ENTRETIENRemisage du Moteur REMISAGERemisage du Générateur REMISAGEPROBLÈMES SOLUTIONDÉPANNAGE DÉPANNAGEREMARQUES REMARQUESÀ PROPOS DE LA ÉQUPEMENT GARANTIE GARANTIE LIMITÉENOTRE ÉQUPEMENT PÉRIODE DE GARANTIEREGLAS DE SEGURIDAD CONSERVE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONESTABLA DE CONTENIDOS DESCRIPCIÓN DEL EQUIPOLos generadores producen un voltaje muy poderoso PELIGROUna pequeña chispa puede encender el hidrógeno y causar una explosión Los residuos como hojas, hierba, maleza, etc. se pueden inflamar PRECAUCIÓNComo resultado, podrían producirse fracturas, contusiones o esguinces Quemaduras severas pueden ocurrir al hacer contactoCONOZCA SU GENERADOR CONOZCA SU GENERADORPara Retirar El Generador De La Caja MONTAJEANTES DE DARLE ARRANQUE AL MOTOR MONTAJEConexión al Sistema Eléctrico de un Edificio USO DEL GENERADOROPERACIÓN Tierra del SistemaParado Del Motor OPERANDO EL GENERADOR PRECAUCIÓNEncienda el Motor Conexion De Cargas ElectricasFigura 17 - Conexiones De la Batería Procedimiento de Carga de la BateriaReceptáculo de 120 Voltios AC ENCHUFES DE CONEXIÓN PRECAUCIÓNCABLES DE EXTENSIÓN OPERACIÓN DURANTE UN CLIMA FRÍOFigura 20 - Refugio Frío Permanente del Tiempo Figura 21 - Guia de Referencia de Vatiaje NO SOBRECARGUE EL GENERADORCapacidad Control de la EnergíaMantenimiento del Motor ESPECIFICACIONESRECOMENDACIONES GENERALES DE MANTENIMIENTO ESPECIFICACIONES Y MANTENIMIENTOAlmacenando el Motor ALMACENAMIENTOAlmacenando el Generador ALMACENAMIENTOAccion ProblemoDIAGNÓSTICOS DE AVERÍAS DIAGNOSITICOS DE AVERÍASACERCA DE LA EQUIPO GARANTÍA GARANTÍA LIMITADANUESTRO EQUIPO PERÍODO DE GARANTÍA