Front Panel Operation - 5
Transient Control Keys
Transient control keys control the transient functions of the electronic load.
Press this key to access the function menu.
Display | Command Function |
TRAN <value> | Sets the current of input |
T:DCYC | Sets the current mode to FIX or LIST |
T:FREQ | Sets the current slew rate for both positive and negative transitions |
T:MODE | Sets the current slew rate for the negative transitions |
T:TWID | Sets the current slew rate for the positive transitions |
Trigger Control Keys
Trigger control keys control the trigger functions of the electronic load.
Trigger Control
Press this key to access the function menu.
Display | Command Function |
INIT:IMMED | Sets the current of input |
ABORT | Sets the current mode to FIX or LIST |
List Control Keys
List control keys control the list functions of the electronic load.
Press this key to access the function menu.
Display | Command Function |
LIST:STEP | Sets the method of incrementing steps (ONCE, AUTO) |
LST:CNT | Specifies the number of times the list is cycled |
DWEL:0 EOL | Specifies the time period of each step |
CURR:0 EOL | Specifies the current setting for each step |
C:RANG:0 EOL | Specifies the current range for each step |
C:SLEW:0 EOL | Sets the current slew rate for each step |
C:SLW:N:0 EOL | Sets the negative current slew rate for each step |
C:SLW:P:0 EOL | Sets the positive current slew rate for each step |
C:TLEV:0 EOL | Sets the transient input current for each step |
FUNC:0 EOL | Sets the list regulation mode (CURR, RES, VOLT) |
RES:0 EOL | Specifies the resistance setting for each step |
R:RANG:0 EOL | Specifies the resistance range for each step |
R:SLEW:0 EOL | Sets the resistance slew rate for each step |
R:SLW:N:0 EOL | Sets the negative resistance slew rate for each step |
R:SLW:P:0 EOL | Sets the positive resistance slew rate for each step |
R:TLEV:0 EOL | Sets the transient input resistance for each step |
TRAN:0 EOL | Enables/disables the transient level for each step |
T:DCYC:0 EOL | Sets the transient duty cycle for each step |
T:FREQ:0 EOL | Sets the transient frequency for each step |
T:MODE:0 EOL | Sets the mode of the transient generator (CONT, PULSE) |
T:TWID:0 EOL | Sets the transient pulse width for each step |
VOLT:0 EOL | Specifies the voltage setting for each step |
V:RANG:0 EOL | Specifies the voltage range for each step |
V:SLEW:0 EOL | Sets the voltage slew rate for each step |
V:SLW:N:0 EOL | Sets the negative voltage slew rate for each step |
V:SLW:P:0 EOL | Sets the positive voltage slew rate for each step |
V:TLEV:0 EOL | Sets the transient input voltage for each step |