Loading The Roll Media (Roll 4)
1. Pull the handle and open drawer 3/4. Rewind the media remaining on the roll.
Even if it is not necessary to rewind the roll media, rotate the spindle in the rewind direction. Failure to perform this may cause the gear at the left end of the spindle to be broken.
2. Hold the roll at both ends and lift the roll out of the drawer. The spindle must remain parallel when removed.
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728 |
515 |
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Slit |
Failure to keep the spindle parallel may cause the gear at the left end to break.
3.Press the green lever at the end of the spindle.
4.Slide the spindle out of the media core.
5.Press the green locking lever and insert the spindle into the new roll of media.
6.Align the edge of the media with the appropriate width dimension on the spindle.
NOTE: To ensure that the media roll will not slip on the spindle, lift up on the green lever after the roll is in position. This action provides a positive grip on the media core.
NOTE: To avoid unnecessary strain, load the heaviest roll in the top drawer and the lightest rolls in the bottom drawer.
7.Hold the roll at both ends and place the roll into the drawer.
8.If the leading edge of the roll media is taped, cut more than 22” (550mm) to eliminate the possibility of glue from the tape contaminating internal printer components. If the leading edge is torn, folded, or very ragged, cut the leading edge using a sharp blade and the slit mounted to the inside of the drawer.